This is a page to reflect about my life in the open source community.
I am part of the Free and Open Source Software community since I discovered Linux in 1995.
I have written the below free softwares:
- MultiGit: A graphical interface for managing multiple nested git repositories. Developed as part of my work at IDEMIA and open sourced by IDEMIA.
- LuaUnit: A unit-testing framework for the Lua language with more than 400k downloads.
- Klotski: a mind-teaser game
- Indent Finder: analyse source code indentation to set your editor automatically
I am a contributor to the below softwares:
- Python static typing stubs for PyQt and Qt for Python:
- PySide6-stubs: for PySide6 / Qt6 for Python
- PyQt5-stubs: for PyQt5
- PySide2-stubs: for PySide2 / Qt5 for Python
- pyannotate: I contributed the generation of Python 3 annotations, which was merged by Guido van Rossum (author of the Python language)
- sxtool: I maintain this nice tool to edit s-records files (used on embedded devices to load some binary data).
And of course, there are other smaller projects on my GitHub repositories
I spoke at PyParis 2018 on Type Annotations with Python.
My slides are available here: Powerpoint version and PDF Version
The video of my talk has been published.
I also have some no longer relevant interviews, articles, reports available here