Lightweight module for UNIX Symbolic notation "rwxrwxr--" to Octal notation "774" conversion.
npm install ugofornode
- toOctal from Symbolic notation to Octal notation
- toSymbolic from Octal notation to Symbolic notation
- getPermissionByClass return the Symbolic notation for a class (User, Group, Other)
- isSymbolicValid check Symbolic notation validity
- isOctalValid check the Octal notation validity
var UGOforNODE = require('ugofornode')
, ugo = new UGOforNODE();
// Get Octal notation from Array
permission1 = ugo.toOctal( ["rwx", "rwx", "r--"]; // 774
// Get Octal notation from String
permission2 = ugo.toOctal( "rwxrwxr--" ); // 774
// Get Symbolic notation (Array) from Octal
permission3 = ugo.toSymbolic( 774 ); // ["rwx","rwx","r--"]
// Get Symbolic notation (String) from Octal
permission4 = ugo.toSymbolic( 774, "string" ); // "rwxrwxr--"
// Get Symbolic notation of the specified class from Octal Notation
permission5 = ugo.getPermissionByClass( 774, 'OTHER' ); // "r--"
// Get Symbolic notation of the specified class from Symbolic Notation (Array)
permission6 = ugo.getPermissionByClass( ["rwx","rwx","r--"], 'OTHER' ); // "r--"
// Validate Symbolic notation (Array)
permission7 = ugo.isSymbolicValid( ["rwx","rwx","r--"] ); // true;
// Validate Symbolic notation (String)
permission8 = ugo.isSymbolicValid( "rwxrwxr--" ); // true;
// Validate Octal notation
permission9 = ugo.isOctalValid( 555 ); // true;
UGOforNODE was created as part of a custom node development initiative sponsored by Bureaucloud ( & Bluedge( for a private application. This simple and lean module quickly became so convenient for addressing permissions, we decided to share it with others.