Python 3 on Ubuntu 18.04 and Core i7-9750 (CPU @2.60GHz x 12).
The main dataset is made up by IQ. list of 40 sample and each between 30 and 170.
Tasks you have TO DO.
estim = Estimator(default=40) # 40 is the default lenght of the set
counter = 0 # important for the next step
maximum = 10000 # you have to set your max number for iteration
- Step [5] : REPEAT STEP 2 though 4 10000 times (start of loop)
while counter < maximum
# step [2,3] := RANDOM PICK UP FOR ALL SAMPLES(default=40)
# step [4] := CAULCULATE our SAMPLE STATISTIC(mean and median)
- Step [6] := CAULCULATE STANDARD DEVIATION of distribution of the 10,000 means and medians
estim.calculate_SD(estim.mean_median[0]) # SD of mean
estim.calculate_SD(estim.mean_median[1]) # SD of median
- Step [7] := CAULCULATE 2.5th and 97.5th centiles of the 10,000 means and medians
mean_of_mean = estim.calculate_mean(estim.mean_median[0])
mean_of_median = estim.calculate_mean(estim.mean_median[1])
sd_of_mean = estim.calculate_SD(estim.mean_median[0])
sd_of_median = estim.calculate_SD(estim.mean_median[1])
estim.small_centile([mean_of_mean, sd_of_mean]) # 2.5th centile of 10000 means
estim.big_centile([mean_of_mean, sd_of_mean]) # 97.5th centile of 10000 means
estim.small_centile([mean_of_median , sd_of_median]) # 2.5th centile of 10000 medians
estim.big_centile([mean_of_median , sd_of_median]) # 97.5th centile of 10000 medians
This LINK help me to understand the fundamental notion of bootstrap method.