Automated Mac setup and configuration with Ansible
These playbooks install and configure most of the Mac software I use for software development.
Ensure Apple's command line tools are installed (
xcode-select --install
to launch the installer). -
brew install pipx python-setuptools pipx ensurepath
pipx install ansible-core pipx install ansible-lint yamllint
Download this repository to your mac.
Run ansible-galaxy to install required Ansible roles.
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
Run ansible-playbook to execute a playbook.
ansible-playbook dev/main.yml --ask-vault-pass --ask-become-pass
Note: If some Homebrew commands fail, you might need to agree to Xcode's license or fix some other Brew issue. Run
brew doctor
to see if this is the case.
ansible-playbook dev/main.yml --ask-vault-pass --ask-become-pass
ansible-playbook dev/main.yml -t up
mkdir -p .diff
defaults read > .diff/before
defaults read > .diff/after
code --diff .diff/before .diff/after