This is a Node.js module available through the npm registry.
npm i --save @bnoufel/formvalidator
FormValidator is a node.js library for form validator. It is written in TypeScript.
Here is an example on how to use it:
FormValidator take two parameters.
The first take a JSON of type IFormValidator
The second, a language of your choice (en, fr supported) for error handling Erreur.
email, login et password
are the names of the fields ex: <input name="login" />
import FormValidator, {
} from '@bnoufel/formvalidator';
const form: IFormValidator = {
email: {
required: true,
type: 'email',
value: ''
login: {
required: true,
type: 'text',
value: 'bnoufel'
password: {
required: true,
type: 'password',
value: 'myPassword123@',
confirmPassword: 'myPassword123@',
hash: 'bcrypt',
regex: {
uppercase: true,
lowercase: true,
number: true,
specialCharacters: true,
length: {
min: 12,
max: 128
const formData = new FormValidator(form, 'en');
.then((res: ResFormValidator) => {
console.log(`My password hash with bcrypt is : ${res[0].password.hash}`);
.catch((err: ErrorFormValidator) => {
type HashFunction = (s: string) => string;
export interface IFormValidator {
[key: string]: IFormValidatorKey;
export interface IFormValidatorKey {
required: boolean;
lang?: string;
value: string | null;
confirmPassword?: string;
type: string;
hash?: string | HashFunction;
salt?: number;
regex?: IRegexFormValidator | RegExp;
length?: ILengthFormValidator;
error?: string;
export interface ILengthFormValidator {
min: number;
max: number;
error?: string;
* true = required
* false = no required
* null = denied
export interface IRegexFormValidator {
uppercase: boolean | null;
lowercase: boolean | null;
number: boolean | null;
specialCharacters: boolean | null;
length?: ILengthFormValidator;
error?: string;
Errors can be handled manually, or automatically with a lang file ex: lang/en.json
Basic error handling :
"password.required" : "Password is required.",
"email.required" : "Email is required.",
"hash.required" : "The type of hash is required.",
"hash.unknown" : "The type of hash is unknown.",
"unknown.error": "An unknown error.",
"password.regex.wrong": "Password must contain at least a lowercase, an uppercase, a number and a special character.",
"email.regex.wrong": "The format of the email is not valid.",
"regex.wrong": "The format of the input is not valid.",
"password.notmatch": "Password confirmation doesn't match with Password.",
"password.regex.len.wrong": "The password length must be between 12 and 128 character.",
"email.regex.format.wrong": "Only RegExp and object are available.",
"regex.format.wrong": "Only RegExp is available.",
"required": "This input is required.",
"regex.upper.denied": "Uppercase denied.",
"regex.lower.denied": "Lowercase denied.",
"regex.number.denied": "Number denied.",
"regex.special.denied": "Special character denied.",
"length.error": "The field must be respect length regex."
You can overwrite any error.