⬆️ Upgrade deps #130
10 errors
Run pnpm run type-check
Definitions of the following identifiers conflict with those in another file: Condition, _FilterQuery, FilterQuery, MongooseQueryOptions, QueryWithHelpers, QuerySelector, RootQuerySelector, Query
Run pnpm run type-check
Definitions of the following identifiers conflict with those in another file: Date, Decimal128, Mixed, Number, ObjectId, SchemaTypes, SchemaTypeOptions, SchemaType, Array, Boolean, Buffer, DocumentArray, Map, Subdocument, String
Run pnpm run type-check
Definitions of the following identifiers conflict with those in another file: Mongoose, Promise, PromiseProvider, models, mongo, version, AnyKeys, Schema, SchemaDefinitionWithBuiltInClass, SchemaDefinitionProperty, SchemaDefinition, RefType, VirtualType, ReturnsNewDoc, SortValues, UpdateWithAggregationPipeline, UpdateAggregationStage, UpdateQuery, DocumentDefinition, actualPrimitives, TreatAsPrimitives, LeanType, LeanArray, _LeanDocument, LeanDocumentElement, SchemaDefinitionType, LeanDocument, LeanDocumentOrArray, LeanDocumentOrArrayWithRawType, mquery
Run pnpm run type-check
Definitions of the following identifiers conflict with those in another file: MongooseDocumentMiddleware, MongooseQueryMiddleware, SchemaPreOptions, SchemaPostOptions, PreMiddlewareFunction, PreSaveMiddlewareFunction, PostMiddlewareFunction, ErrorHandlingMiddlewareFunction
Run pnpm run type-check
Definitions of the following identifiers conflict with those in another file: connection, connections, disconnected, connected, connecting, disconnecting, uninitialized, STATES, Connection
Run pnpm run type-check
Duplicate identifier 'CastError'.
Run pnpm run type-check
Duplicate identifier 'ClientSession'.
Run pnpm run type-check
Interface 'ConnectOptions' cannot simultaneously extend types 'MongoClientOptions' and 'MongoClientOptions'.
Run pnpm run type-check
Interface 'ConnectOptions' cannot simultaneously extend types 'MongoClientOptions' and 'MongoClientOptions'.
Run pnpm run type-check
Interface 'ConnectOptions' cannot simultaneously extend types 'MongoClientOptions' and 'MongoClientOptions'.
The logs for this run have expired and are no longer available.