- Description
- Setup - The basics of getting started with zetcd
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
Puppet module for managing coreos/zetcd, an Apache ZooKeeper "personality" for etcd.
Builds, installs, creates service, and configures the go command
Declare the ::zetcd
. This will setup zetcd to listen for ZooKeeper requests
and reach out to etcd at http://localhost:2379
include '::zetcd'
class { '::zetcd':
zkaddr => '',
class { '::zetcd':
endpoints => [
cafile => '/etc/pki/tls/etcd/ca.crt',
certfile => "/etc/pki/tls/etcd/$::fqdn.cert",
keyfile => "/etc/pki/tls/etcd/private/$::fqdn.key",
file { [ '/etc/pki', '/etc/pki/tls', '/etc/pki/tls/etcd' ]:
ensure => directory,
File['/etc/pki'] -> File['/etc/pki/tls'] -> File['/etc/pki/tls/etcd']
file { '/etc/pki/tls/etcd/ca.crt':
source => '/path/to/ca.crt',
require => File['/etc/pki/tls/etcd'],
before => Class['::zetcd::service']
file { "/etc/pki/tls/etcd/$::fqdn.crt":
source => '/path/to/my.crt',
require => File['/etc/pki/tls/etcd'],
before => Class['::zetcd::service']
file { '/etc/pki/tls/etcd/private':
ensure => directory,
mode => '0750',
owner => 'root',
group => $::zetcd::zetcd_group,
require => [
file { "/etc/pki/tls/etcd/priave/$::fqdn.key":
source => '/path/to/my.key',
mode => '0640',
owner => 'root',
group => $::zetcd::zetcd_group,
require => [
before => Class['::zetcd::service']
class { '::zetcd':
zetcd_source => "github.com/user/zetcd/cmd/zetcd",
class { '::zetcd':
manage_command => false,
manage_service_file => false,
manage_zetcd_user => false,
manage_zetcd_group => false,
service_name => 'zetcd-custom',
- Build and install the zetcd command with go get. (Boolean
, default:true
- Manage the go package. (Boolean
, default:true
- Generate the systemd service. (Boolean
, default:true
- Manage starting/enabling the systemd service. (Boolean
, default:true
- Create the zetcd user. (Boolean
, default: true)manage_zetcd_group
- Create the zetcd group. (Boolean
, default: true)zetcd_source
- The path passed to thego get
command to build zetcd. (String
, default:'github.com/coreos/zetcd/cmd/zkctl'
- The path to the zetcd command. (Stdlib::Absolutepath
, default:'/usr/local/bin/zetcd'
- The name of the go package. (String
, default:'golang-1.8-go'
- The path to the go command. (Stdlib::Absolutepath
, default:'/usr/lib/go-1.8/bin/go'
- The name of the zetcd service. (String
, default:'zetcd'
- The user to use for the zetcd service. (String
, default:'zetcd'
- The group to use for the zetcd service. (String
, default:'zetcd'
- The host and port for zetcd to listen on. (String
, default:''
- The etcd endpoints to connect to. (Array[Stdlib::Httpurl]
, default:[ 'http://localhost:2379' ]
- The path to the CA certificate for TLS validation. (Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]
- The path to the TLS certificate to offer the endpoints. (Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]
- The path to the key forcertfile
. (Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath]
- Creates the zetcd user and groups.::zetcd::command
- Builds and installs zetcd.::zetcd::conf
- Configures zetcd.::zetcd::service
- Creates and manages thezetcd
Currently only supports Debian Stretch.
Feel free to contribute to the project at github.com/bodhidigital/puppet-zetcd.