A Symfony-optimized Sandbox on Vagrant
##Usage You can have several Symfony applications using the same sandbox, but only one can be active each time. For switching between the applications, for now, you have to edit a file. Usage Instructions below:
- Clone this repository in your local environment. CD to the folder and Initialize the puppet modules:
git submodule init
git submodule update
- Go to the application directory and clone your Symfony application. You can have as many applications as you want here. The Vagrantfile will define which one will run when vagrant goes up.
cd application/
git clone https://github.com/myVendor/myApplication.git
- Edit the Vagrantfile and point the synced folder to your application folder. The config.vm.synced_folder shall look like this:
config.vm.synced_folder "./application/myApplication/", "/vagrant", id: "vagrant-root", :nfs => true
vagrant up
After provisioning, your app shall be running at
##Performance This sandbox by default runs a patch to the AppKernel class, adding 2 methods that will change the CACHE and LOG folders only for dev and test environments. This makes an impressive difference on the application performance as described on this excelent post from @beberlei: http://www.whitewashing.de/2013/08/19/speedup_symfony2_on_vagrant_boxes.html
##Customizing Puppet To customize your sandbox, you can edit the custom module or modify the default manifest.
###Custom Module Head to vagrantee/puppet/modules/custom/manifests/init.pp and edit it to add new commands (running migrations, fixtures, etc for instance). These instructions run after the server is provisioned.
###Modifying defaults To modify the server provisioning, head to vagrantee/puppet/manifests/default.pp and change it to suit your needs.