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A JavaScript database with mongo-like query language, runs on the server via Node.js!


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AkivaDB is a modern, promise-based, strongly-typed, embeddable database for node.js.



$ npm i akivadb

Note: This package requires Node >=14.5.0

Getting Started


import AkivaDB from 'akivadb'; // ES6
const AkivaDB = require('akivadb').default // ES5

const db = new AkivaDB();

db.insert({ species: 'cat', name: 'whiskers' })
  .then((inserted) =>{
    console.log(`added ${inserted[0].name} to the database!`)


import AkivaDB, { Doc } from 'akivadb';

interface Document extends Doc {
  species: string,
  name?: string

const db = new AkivaDB<Document>();
db.insert({ species: 'cat', name: 'whiskers' })
  .then((inserted) =>{
    console.log(`added ${inserted[0].name} to the database!`)



Create / load

const db = new AkivaDB({ name, root, diableAutoload, strict, inMemory })

  • - Database name, will create in-memory if not provided
  • options.root - Database root path, will create in-memory if not provided
  • options.diableAutoload - If true, db.load must be called to load the database
  • options.strict - If false, database will throw silent errors
  • options.inMemory - If true, database will not persist to a file
// Memory-only database
const db = new AkivaDB()

// Persistent database with autoload
const db = new AkivaDB({name: 'db',  root: process.cwd() });

// Persistent database with manual load
const db = new AkivaDB({ name: 'db', root: process.cwd(), disableAutoload: true })
// Loading is not neccesary, but recommended
// Not loading means the data from file isn't read,
// which can cause data loss when `persist()` is called (as it overwrites the file)


db.on('insert', (doc) => {
  //Logs inserted document

db.on('update', (doc) => {
  //Logs updated document

db.on('delete', (doc) => {
  //Logs delete document

Inserting docs

await db.insert(NewDoc) => Promise<Doc>

await db.insertMany(OneOrMore<NewDoc>) => Promise<Doc[]>

Inserts document(s) into the database. _id is automatically generated if the _id does not exist.

Note: Fields cannot start with $ (modifier field) or contain . (dot-queries). Values cannot be undefined.

insert will reject on the first invalid doc if strict is enabled, otherwise invalid docs are ignored.

Insertion takes place after all docs are validated, meaning no data will be inserted if insert rejects.

akivadb for now does not keep track of when docs are inserted, updated or deleted.


const newDoc = {
  crud: 'create',
  data: [{
    field: 1

  .then((doc) => {
  //logs doc
  .catch (err) {

Finding docs

Basic query

await db.findOne(Query, Projection) => Promise<Doc>

await db.find(Query, Projection) => Promise<Doc[]>

await db.findOneById(string, Projection) => Promise<Doc>

await db.findById(string | string[], Projection) => Promise<Doc>

Find doc(s) matching query. Operators and dot notation are supported and can be mixed together.

// Data
// { _id: 1, type: 'normal', important: false, variants: ['weak', 'strong'] }
// { _id: 2, type: 'normal', important: true, variants: ['weak', 'strong'] }
// { _id: 3, type: 'strong', important: false, variants: ['weak', 'strong'] }
// { _id: 4, type: 'weak', variants: ['weak'], properties: { type: 'weak', parent: 3 } }

// Find docs matching type 'normal'
// [1, 2] (Doc _id's)
await db.find({ type: 'normal' })

// Find all docs matching type 'normal' and important 'true'
// [2], all fields must match
await db.find({ type: 'normal', important: 'true' })

// Find all docs with variants 'weak'
// [4], note how only 4 matches, even though all entries contain weak
// Array content and order must match
await db.find({ variant: ['weak'] })

// Find all docs with variants 'strong', 'weak', in that order
// []
await db.find({ variant: ['strong', 'weak'] })

// Find all docs with parent '3'
// [], all keys must be present
await db.find({ properties: { parent: 3 } })
// [4], key order does not matter
await db.find({ properties: { parent: 3, type: 'weak' } })

Dot notation

Dot notation can be used to match nested fields

// Data
// { _id: 1, variants: ['normal', 'strong'], properties: { type: 'weak', parent: 3 } }
// { _id: 2, variants: ['strong', 'normal'], properties: { type: 'weak', parent: 3 } }
// { _id: 3, variants: [{ id: 'strong', properties: [{ type: 'weak' }] }] }

// Find all docs with properties.type 'weak'
// [1, 2]
await db.find({ 'properties.type': 'weak' })

// Find all docs where first entry of variants is `strong`
// [2]
await db.find({ 'variants.0': 'strong' })

// Find all docs where type of first entry of properties of first entry of variants is 'weak'
// [3]
await db.find({ '': 'weak' })


Operators can be used to create advanced queries. The following operators are supported:

Logic operators

  • $gt - Is greater than
  • $gte - Is greater or equal than
  • $lt - Is less than
  • $lte - Is less or equal than
  • $not - Is not equal

String operators

  • $string - Does string include string
  • $stringStrict - Does string include string, case sensitive

Object operators

  • $keys - Does object have keys

Array operators

These operators will return false if the queries field is not an array

  • $includes - Does array contain value
  • $or - Do any of the queries match


// Data
// { _id: 1, type: 'normal', important: false, variants: ['weak', 'strong'] }
// { _id: 2, type: 'normal', important: true, variants: ['weak', 'strong'] }
// { _id: 3, type: 'strong', important: false, variants: ['weak', 'strong'] }
// { _id: 4, type: 'weak', variants: ['weak'], properties: { type: 'weak', parent: 3, variants: ['strong'] } }
// { _id: 5, properties: [{ variants: ['weak', 'normal' ] }, { type: 'strong' }] }

// $gt / $gte / $lt / $lte
// [3, 4, 5]
await db.find({ $gt: { _id: 2 } })

// all fields within '$lte' must match
// [4]
await db.find({ $lte: { _id: 4, 'properties.parent': 3 }})

// $not
// [2, 3, 4, 5]
await db.find({ $not: { _id: 1 } })

// $string
// [1, 2]
await db.find({ $string: { type: 'mal' } })
// [1, 2]
await db.find({ $string: { type: 'MAL' } })
// []
await db.find({ $stringStrict: { type: 'MAL' } })

// $keys
// [1, 2, 3, 4]
await db.find({ $keys: ['type'] })
// [1, 2, 3]
await db.find({ $keys: ['type', 'important'] })

// $includes
// [1, 2, 3, 4]
await db.find({ $includes: { variants: 'weak' } })
// [4]
await db.find({ $includes: { 'properties.variants': 'strong' } })
// Error, field is not an array
await db.find({ $includes: { type: 'weak' } })
// Error, dot notation isn't a valid object field
await db.find({ $includes: { properties: { 'variants.0': 'weak' } } })

// $or
// [1, 2, 4]
await db.find({ $or: [{ type: 'weak' }, { type: 'normal' }] })
// [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
await db.find({ $or: [{ $includes: { variants: 'weak' } }, { _id: 5 }] })


akivadb supports projection. When using projection, only the specified fields will be returned. Empty objects can be returned if projection is [], or when none of the fields provided exist on the found objects.


// Data
// { _id: 1, type: 'normal', important: false, variants: ['weak', 'strong'] }
// { _id: 2, type: 'normal', important: true, variants: ['weak', 'strong'] }
// { _id: 3, type: 'strong', important: false, variants: ['weak', 'strong'] }
// { _id: 4, type: 'weak', variants: ['weak'], properties: { type: 'weak', parent: 3, variants: ['strong'] } }
// { _id: 5, properties: [{ variants: ['weak', 'normal' ] }, { type: 'strong' }] }

// [{ _id: 1 }, { _id: 2 }]
await db.find({ type: 'normal' }, ['_id'])

// [{ type: 'normal' }, { type: 'normal' }, { type: 'strong' }, { type: 'weak' }, {}]
await db.find({}, ['type'])


akivadb uses a hash table under the hood to store docs. All docs are indexed by _id, meaning using any byId query is considerably faster than its regular counterpart.

The byId queries accept a single _id string, or an array of _id strings.

Updating docs

await db.updateOne(Query, Update | NewDoc) => Promise<Doc>

await db.updateMany(Query, Update | NewDoc) => Promise<Doc[]>

await db.updateOneById(string, Update) => Promise<Doc>

await db.updateById(string, Update) => Promise<Doc[]>

Find doc(s) matching query object. update supports modifiers, but fields and modifiers cannot be mixed together. update cannot create invalid field names, such as fields containing dots or fields starting with $. Returns the updated docs.

If no modifiers are provided, update will override the found doc(s) with update

_id fields cannot be overwritten. Trying to do so will throw an error.


// Data
// { _id: 1, type: 'normal', important: false, variants: ['weak', 'strong'] }
// { _id: 2, type: 'normal', important: true, variants: ['weak', 'strong'] }
// { _id: 3, type: 'strong', important: false, variants: ['weak', 'strong'] }
// { _id: 4, type: 'weak', variants: ['weak'], properties: { type: 'weak', parent: 3, variants: ['strong'] } }

// Set all docs to {}
await db.updateMany()

// Set matching docs to { type: 'strong' }
// { _id: 1, type: 'strong' }
// { _id: 2, type: 'strong' }
// { _id: 3, type: 'strong', important: false, variants: ['weak', 'strong'] }
// { _id: 4, type: 'weak', variants: ['weak'], properties: { type: 'weak', parent: 3, variants: ['strong'] } }
await db.updateMany({ type: 'normal' }, { type: 'strong' })

// _id fields will not be overwritten
// { _id: 1, type: 'strong' }
// { _id: 2, type: 'strong' }
// { _id: 3, type: 'strong', important: false, variants: ['weak', 'strong'] }
// { _id: 4, type: 'weak', variants: ['weak'], properties: { type: 'weak', parent: 3, variants: ['strong'] } }
await db.updateMany({ type: 'normal' }, { type: 'strong', _id: 1 })

// Error, dot notation isn't a valid field
await db.updateOne({ type: 'normal' }, { 'properties.type': 'strong', _id: 1 })


Modifiers can be used to set specific values

  • $add - Add value (number)
  • $push - Add value (array)
  • $set - Set value


// Data
// { _id: 1 }
// { _id: 2 }
// { _id: 3, count: 3 }

// $add
// { _id: 3, count: 6 }
await db.updateMany({} }, { $add: { count: 3 } })
// { _id: 3, count: 3 }
await db.updateMany({}, { $add: { count: -3 } })

// $push
// { _id: 3, fruits: ['banana'] }
await db.updateMany({} }, { $push: { count: 'orange' } })
// { _id: 3 , fuits: ['banana', 'orange'] }

// $set
// { _id: 3, count: 'count' }
await db.updateMany({ $keys: ['count'] }, { $set: { count: 'count' } })
// { _id: 1, value: 3 }
// { _id: 2, value: 3 }
// { _id: 3, count: 3, value: 3 }
// Keys will be created if it does not exist
await db.updateMany({}, { $set: { value: 3 } })

Deleting docs

await db.deleteOne(Query) => Promise<Doc>

await db.deleteMany(Query) => Promise<number>

await db.deleteOneById(string) => Promise<Doc>

await db.deleteById(string| string[]) => Promise<number>

Delete doc(s) matching query object.


// Data
// { _id: 1, type: 'normal', important: false, variants: ['weak', 'strong'] }
// { _id: 2, type: 'normal', important: true, variants: ['weak', 'strong'] }
// { _id: 3, type: 'strong', important: false, variants: ['weak', 'strong'] }
// { _id: 4, type: 'weak', variants: ['weak'], properties: { type: 'weak', parent: 3, variants: ['strong'] } }

// Delete all data
// [1, 2, 3, 4]
await db.deleteMany()

// Delete first match
// [2]
await db.delete({ _id: 2 })

// Delete all matches
// [3, 4]
await db.deleteMany({ type: 'normal' })


drop() => void

Clears both memory and database file.


  • This project is heavily inspired by nedb and mongodb.


A JavaScript database with mongo-like query language, runs on the server via Node.js!




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