Pushes Craft CMS errors to Sentry.
- Search for 'Sentry SDK'.
- Hit install
- Create a config file as explained below.
- Run:
composer require born05/craft-sentry
- Hit install in Admin > Settings > Plugins
- Create a config file as explained below.
- Craft 4.0.0 and up
- PHP 8.0.2 and up
Create a config/sentry-sdk.php
config file with the following contents:
return [
'*' => [
'enabled' => true,
'anonymous' => false, // Determines to log user info or not
'clientDsn' => getenv('SENTRY_DSN') ?: 'https://example@sentry.io/123456789', // Set as string or use environment variable.
'clientKey' => getenv('SENTRY_CLIENT_KEY') ?: 'z987654321a', // https://js.sentry-cdn.com/z987654321a.min.js
'excludedCodes' => ['400', '404', '429'],
'release' => getenv('SENTRY_RELEASE') ?: null, // Release number/name used by sentry.
'reportJsErrors' => false,
'sampleRate' => 1.0,
'ignoreErrors' => [
// Email link Microsoft Outlook crawler compatibility error
// cf. https://forum.sentry.io/t/unhandledrejection-non-error-promise-rejection-captured-with-value/14062
"Non-Error promise rejection captured with value: Object Not Found Matching Id:",
Based upon the sentry plugin by Luke Youell.
Copyright © Born05
See license