Authentication and Authorization module of HTTP/MQTT/CoAP Brokers based on NodeJS for IoT or Internet of Things. This repo is under development.
- If you want to run a test locally, clone this repo.
git clone
cd borokero-auth
npm install
bash ./scripts/
npm run test
It runs tests. You should attention broker needs to configure keycloak. Scripts and help to start and stop Keycloak server with a demo realm. It configs keycloak by demo clients and users and needs docker command.
This module use Node-style callback and it can be used with Aedes.
'use strict'
var aedes = require('aedes')
var authBroker = require('@borokero/borokero-auth')
var envAuth = {
auth: {
realm: "tokenRealmTest",
"auth-server-url": "http://localhost:8080/auth",
"ssl-required": "external",
resource: "admin-cli",
"public-client": true,
"confidential-port": 0
jwt: {
salt: 'salt', //salt by pbkdf2 method
digest: 'sha512',
// size of the generated hash
hashBytes: 64,
// larger salt means hashed passwords are more resistant to rainbow table, but
// you get diminishing returns pretty fast
saltBytes: 16,
// more iterations means an attacker has to take longer to brute force an
// individual password, so larger is better. however, larger also means longer
// to hash the password. tune so that hashing the password takes about a
// second
iterations: 10
wildCard: {
wildcardOne: '+',
wildcardSome: '#',
separator: '/'
adapters: {
mqtt: {
limitW: 50,
limitMPM: 10
var authbroker = new authBroker(envAuth)
aedes.authenticate = authbroker.authenticateWithCredentials()
aedes.authorizeSubscribe = authbroker.authorizeSubscribe()
aedes.authorizePublish = authbroker.authorizePublish()
const server = require('net').createServer(aedes.handle)
const port = 1883
server.listen(port, function () {
console.log('server listening on port', port)
Anyone with interest in or experience with the following technologies are encouraged to join the project.
- Matteo Collina for Mosca, Aedes, Ponte (
- Eugenio Pace for Auth0 Mosca inspiration (
MIT - Copyright (c) 2019 ioKloud