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who R U

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who R U (whoru) is a tool that will allow you to build a web cv to introduce yourself to visitors & companies; and interview these ones to discover what they can offer you, their technologies & metodologies,...


src on branch demo

installation from this repo

Clone this repo and install the dependencies:


grunt server: Starts development environment:

  • Watch changes in coffee, sass, jade -> compile
  • live reload browser
  • unit testing

grunt: Builds the project

  • unit/e2e testing
  • Unifies js & css

grunt dist: Builds the project and uploads it to gh-pages

grunt docco: Builds the documentation. Based on [docco] (


Main config


Configuration of available locales, and the default one:

  • version: {String} version of the file
  • config: {Object}
    • locales {Array}
      • key: {String} key of the locale, used to identify other files of data. key: 'es' -> files: intro_es.json, cv_es.json
      • image: {String} url of an icon to identify the locale
      • text: {String} description of the locale
      • default: {true|false}


	"version": "0.0.1",
	"config": {
		"locales": [

				"key": "es",
				"image": "http://your.image.url",
				"text": "ES"
				"default": true,
				"key": "en",
				"image": "http://your.image.url",
				"text": "EN"



** One file per each available locale

Configuration of basic/introductory information about the owner of the cv

  • version: {String} version of the file
  • header: {String} name of the section to be linked from the header navbar
  • intro {Object}
    • name {String}
    • surname1: {String|undefined}
    • surname2: {String|undefined}
    • summary: {String} short description
    • image: {String|undefined}
    • description: {String|undefined} long description


    "version": "0.0.1",
      "name": "John",
      "surname1": "Doe",
      "surname2": "II",
      "summary": "Nameless Dev",
      "image": "",
      "description": "Developer Developer Developer"



** One file per each available locale

Configuration of the parts (groups of information) of the cv

  • version: {String} version of the file
  • parts {Array}
    • header: {String} name of the cv-part to be linked from the header navbar
    • title: {String} name of the cv-part to be shown as the title of the section
    • key: {String} identification of the cv-part to be used as the id and css class of the section
    • content: {Array}
    • title: {String|undefined}
    • description: {String|undefined}
    • from: {String|undefined}
    • until: {String|undefined}
    • when: {String|undefined}
    • image: {Object|undefined}
      • src: {String}
      • description: {String|undefined}
      • link: {String|undefined}
    • description: {String|undefined}
    • content: {Array|undefined}


  "version": "0.0.1",
  "parts": [
        "header": "Career",
        "title": "Professional Career",
        "content": [
            "title": "Project manager",
            "description":"Planning and execution of any kind of project in <b>Google</b>",
            "title": "Junior Developer",
            "description":"Developer at <b>Yahoo</b>",



** One file per each available locale

Configuration of questions to interview the interviewers

  • version: {String} version of the file
  • parts {Array}
    • header: {String} name of section to be linked from the header navbar
    • title: {String} name of section to be shown as the title of the questions
    • description: {String|optional} summary of the objective of the questions
    • questions: {Array}
      • title: {String} Questions
      • multiple: {true|false} indicates if the visitant can choose only one answer or several
      • answers: {Array}
        • key-value: {String}-{Number} Answer and weight of that answer to measure the visitant


	"version": "0.0.1",
  "header": "Questions",
  "title": "Questions",
  "description": "Ey!, Who Are You? Let's see it",
  "questions": [
      "title": "Technologies",
      "multiple": true,
      "answers": {
        "javascript": 100,
        "java": 0,
        "C": 20,
        "python": 0
      "title": "Do you consider yourself as a good place to work?",
      "multiple": false,
        "yes": true,
        "no": false,



Configuration of the information to contact the owner of the cv

  • version: {String} version of the file
  • header: {String} name of section to be linked from the header navbar
  • contacts: {Array}
    • type: {'web'|'phone'|'mail'}
    • value: {String} link
    • icon: {String} character which represents the icon in the file of fonts (icomoon session in: 'app/fonts/whoru-icons/icomoon-selections.json') TODO: Document font icons and their relation with the rrss


	"version": "0.0.1",
	"contacts": [
			"type": "web",
			"value": "",
			"icon": "Z"
      "type": "phone",
      "value": "666999666",
      "icon": "U"

Available dynamic css classes / data-attributes / directives


.header-fixed appears in the html element When document is scrolled more than the header navbar height


.intro-scrolled appears in the html element When intro section has been scrolled and is not visible, and disappears when intro is visible

.do appears in elements with css class when-shown When the document is scrolled to that element To spy an element:

  • assign it css class 'when-shown'


Sets a dynamic 'background-position-y' to elements with css class 'background-y-position-scroll' when document is scrolled


.current appears when the displayed section in the browser represents that option in the navbar. To spy a section:

  • assign it data-attribute 'spy-current-section'
  • add to the array $rootScope.header.nav.options next info:
    • id : {string} id of the section
    • order: {number} order in the header
    • title : {string} visible title in the header
    • href : link to the section


data-wh-current-section={CURRENT_SECTION_ID} where {CURRENT_SECTION_ID} is the configured key of the displayed section To spy a section:

  • assign it data-attribute 'spy-current-section'


.current appears when the displayed language represents that locale in the navbar

directive whSliderSelector

Directive that implements the funcionality of an slider, list of items where one of them is the current, and two buttons to navigate (rotate current one) between them

  • declaration: with css class .wh-slider-selector
  • params:
    • data-list: Array of items (objects of sth)


  .wh-slider-selector(ng-if='item.images.length > 1', data-list='item.images')

Uses the directive whSliderSelector

.current appears when, in a list of images of a cv-part, is the selected one. There are two buttons .next and .previous, wrapped by div.wh-list-selector, which rotates css class .current between the list of images These two buttons have an extra css class, .more or .no-more, which appears or disappears if there are or are not more elements of the list before or after the current one


.loaded appears when the data of 'intro' controller is loaded in the scope


[Javier Arnáiz González] (

[Borja Andrés Marroquín] (

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