Models | Device | BatchSize | Mode | Input Shape(HxW) | Pytorch | TensorRT |
YOLOV5-X | RTX3070 | 1 | FP32 | 640x640 | 38.0ms | 21.1ms |
YOLOV5-L | RTX3070 | 1 | FP32 | 640x640 | 23.3ms | 13.4ms |
YOLOV5-M | RTX3070 | 1 | FP32 | 640x640 | 12.0ms | 7.5ms |
YOLOV5-S | RTX3070 | 1 | FP32 | 640x640 | 6.3ms | 4.6ms |
YOLOV5-S | Jetson Nano | 1 | FP32 | 640x640 | \ | 6.4ms |
Require TensorRT 8+ . Recommend use Nvidia official Docker image:
Create docker container
#this docker image is tested, recommend pull this image
docker pull
#create container
nvidia-docker run -it --name yolov5_tinytrt /bin/bash
Recommend pull this docker image l4t-ml:r32.6.1-py3(OpenCV inside).Make sure your JetPack version support it. My Jetson Nano is JetPack 4.4, also can run this docker image.
Create docker container
#this docker image is tested, recommend pull this image
docker pull
#create container
nvidia-docker run -it --name yolov5_tinytrt /bin/bash
#clone project and submodule
git clone --recurse-submodules -j8
#install dependencies
sudo apt-get update -y
sudo apt-get install cmake zlib1g-dev
#for python binding
sudo apt-get install python3 python3-pip
pip3 install numpy
cd yolov5_tinytrt
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make -j8
Use TensorRT to speed up your model, you need parse it to TensorRT .engine format, you can use build/tiny-tensorrt/tinyexec
to parse .onnx model to create .engine model.
#default yolov5s as example
#generate engine
./build/tiny-tensorrt/tinyexec --onnx yolov5s.onnx --model yolov5s.engine
#usage:./yolov5_tinytrt <engine_model> <input_folder> <output_folder>
./build/yolov5_tinytrt yolov5s.engine images/ results/