I'm Mohcine, a 21 years old software engenieer and web devloper from Morocco.
- 👨💻 Languages : JavaScript, Java, PHP, C++, Dart, Bash Scripting, Python
- ⚙️ Front-End : React, Flutter
- 💻 Back-End : NodeJs, Django, Laravel/Symfony
- 💽 Database : MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
- 🔧 DevOps Tools : Terraform, Jenkins
- Web and mobile application for school management using Laravel MySQL Bootstrap Web side and Flutter GetX FCM Mobile side
- Desktop App for university management using Qt C++ and MySQL : Demo
- Setup web application for a private detective agency using ReactJs : Website
- @Boudenjalmohci1 on Twitter
- MohcineBoduenjal on LinkedIn
- Mohcine#2607 on Discord