An OpenSource Internal Admin-Panel Framework
Atlas lets you build custom admin panels in a very easy manner. Atlas fills the void for a good quality map based admin panel. It can connect to remote PostgreSQL databases and fetch info directly and make editable UI components out of them.
Have a table storing some PostGIS info? Now you can easily visualise them on the cloud using Atlas. Atlas understands GeoJSON, so you can go ahead and configure a page to render a table on PostgreSQL by simply configuring a query that returns a GeoJSON. As simple as that! Atlas even supports CRUD on PostgreSQL tables.
"page": "City Geofences",
"pageId": "Miscellaneous",
"path": "/layers/cities",
"autoRefresh": "true",
"zoom": 0,
"editControl": {
"editFenceUrl": "/apis/test/drawnObjs",
"isEditControlSupported": false
"geoJsonRecordConfig": {
"jdbcUrl": "jdbc:postgresql://<database_host:port>/database_name",
"dbUsername": "<username>",
"dbPassword": "<password>",
"schema": "public",
"table": "geofence_area",
"geoJsonSqlQuery": "select st_asgeojson(fence) as geojson, * from geofence_area where ST_DWithin(fence::geography, ST_MakePoint($lon,$lat)::geography, $radius)"
You can find more info from here
In light of the 2nd wave of the Covid-19 pandemic in India, Atlas was used to build a few pages to track hospital bed availability, vaccine and test centres in Bangalore.