我是大男孩,正在做监控研发,曾从事架构、运维工作,喜欢折腾 Python / k8s / Prometheus / Serverless / 自动化,喜欢开源分享。
I am big smart boy. I am currently engaged in monitoring research and development. I have worked in architecture, operation and maintenance, and implementation. I like to tinker with Python/k8s/Prometheus/Serverless/automation and like open source sharing.
- 语言:熟悉Python、了解go、php ;有django框架 / 基础工具、高性能组件开发经验,实现过api、同步任务等框架
- 中间件: Nginx,Redis、Mariadb、RabbitMQ、SQLserver、influxdb、was;
- CI/CD:jenkins、github、SonarQube、shell;
- 配置管理: ansible、terraform
- 接入层:Nginx, Haproxy、keepalived;
- 监控运维:Prometheus并为此项目贡献过代码,进行过二次开发和自研监控平台的架构设计;
- 虚拟化:熟悉vsphere的架构和原理,有部署实施经验;有aws,gcp云平台运维经验;
- 容器:Docker, Kubernetes、istio、etcd等主流容器技术,了解容器,镜像,网络,存储,持久化,监控,安全;
- 微服务:consul、GRPC、服务熔断、服务降级、限流、服务注册与发现;
🌱 如果你的技术栈和我的类似,欢迎加我好友 boy530$gmail.com
🌱 If your technology stack is similar to mine, welcome to add me as a friend