#LESS - Checkbox Mixin
This is a very simple mixin allowing you to style checkboxes with pure CSS.
This is a LESS mixin so you have to add it to your file or include the file using
@import "lch-checkbox.less";
And you also need to have a means to compile the files. There are several tools around, like the original js compiler ( http://lesscss.org/ ) and it's tools lessc. Also there are a number of apps which you can use to pcompile your LESS code. I am on windows and use WinLESS ( http://winless.org/ ). SimpLESS ( http://wearekiss.com/simpless ) is another great option. I am pretty sure there are similar tools for other platforms too.
There's a set of default values for the checkbox but you can configure it in a variaty of ways with the mixin arguments.
This is a sample call with clarification of the arguments in the same order:
// @background - Checkbox background
// @color - Text color
// @fontSize - Font size
// @width - Width of the checkbox
// @height - Height of the checkbox
// @lineHeight - Line height for the checkbox
// @textAlign - Text align for the text
// @display - Display type
// @border - Border style/color/size
// @borderRadius - Border radius
// @hoverColor - Text color for hover state
// @hoverBackground - Background for hover state
// @activeColor - Text colro for active state
// @activeBackground - Background for active state
.lch-checkbox(#fff, #333, 13px, 50px, 20px, 20px, center, block, 1px solid #ccc, 5px, #666, #efefef, #fff, #27b4ff);
This call generates this CSS code when compiled:
.demo-checkbox {
position: absolute;
top: -9999em;
.demo-checkbox + label {
background: #ffffff;
color: #333333;
font-size: 13px;
width: 50px;
height: 20px;
line-height: 20px;
text-align: center;
display: block;
border: 1px solid #cccccc;
border-radius: 5px;
cursor: pointer;
.demo-checkbox + label:hover {
color: #666666;
background: #efefef;
.demo-checkbox:checked + label {
background: #27b4ff;
color: #ffffff;
##The future
If I have enough time I might expand this tiny project into a little library of mixins
When I have enough time ( hopefully in the near future ) I will expand this tiny project into a little library of mixins.
I've alreay created a public Trello board where you can track the progres, vote and comment, should you wish so.
Link to Trello: https://trello.com/board/less-interface-mixing-library/511f4eaf3ded8bbb6100172f