Java CLI for create metrics and logging metrics dynamically on Google Cloud Platform
- You need Google Cloud SKD installed and configured with your domain.
- JDK 1.8 required
- Setup you're own properties on file
- Write the json file with the metrics you want to create
- Open the ConsoleRunner class and run it (or create .jar file and execute)
- Use the CLI for create (with file)/delete/get the metrics or log metrics
Google Cloud Platform - Metric | Resource | Logging Console
new-metric-descriptor | Creates a metric descriptor
list-metric-descriptors | Lists of metric descriptors
delete-metric-descriptors | Deletes a metric descriptor
list-monitored-resources | Lists the monitored resources
get-resource | Describes a monitored resource
list-log-metrics | Lists of log metrics
new-log-metrics | Creates a log metrics
delete-log-metrics | Deletes a log metrics
exit | Exit from console
GCP Metrics >