Collection of tools and utilities to help gameplay for Burgle Brothers© by Tim Fowers
The primary purpose of this project. Assists play by generating floors for games. Aiming for pure javascript with no dependencies. Thanks to a contribution from another player/developer, this can be installed as an app on your phone.
I'm able to just open the index.html found in the base directory. If that doesn't work, try nodejs:
> npm install -g http-server
> http-server
Then open your browser to http://localhost:8080
Mocha is used for testing. If you don't have nodejs and mocha set up, first install nodejs, then run:
> npm install -g mocha
> npm install
> mocha
I tried using grunt at first, but it was painfully slow. Using mocha directly is really fast.
Deployment is really nothing more than creating a dist directory and minimizing javascript. The project works out of the checked out directory with no build, so you can make changes and refresh without having to build first.
> grunt
This will create a dist directory containing only the files you need for the html5 app to work.
This contains is a single c++ program that brute forces all the possible layouts. It isn't part of the project in the standard way, just a tool I used to come up with useful numbers.
Max heat with 8 walls: 183
Heat is determined by walking all path combinations and adding 1 for every traversal