Open source watchOS app that shows the latest COVID-19 data for the US and each state, powered by The Covid Tracking Project. Written 100% in Swift using SwiftUI and Combine.
- Breakdown for all reported metrics: Total cases, Total deaths, Daily deaths, Daily cases, Current Hospitalization, Current ICU, and more
- Detailed, interactive, pannable graphs showing changes over time (monthly, weekly, all-time) in each metric
- Jump to any date in the past to see metrics at that point in time
- Automatic daily fetches (even while app is in the background) for new Covid data when it is published, so it's always up to date
- Favorite states so they appear at the top of the states list
Click here to download the MP4 version of the demo.
Click here to download the MP4 version of the demo.
Thanks to all the folks who contribute(d) to The COVID Tracking Project at The Atlantic, license: CC BY 4.0.
Covid Aware app is open-sourced software licensed under the GNU General Public License.
Since the app shows highly sensitive public data, Apple has rejected the app from appearing on the App Store. It won't appear in the App Store since it is published by an independent developer (myself) instead of an accredited medical entity (institution / oranization).