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A gulp-based build environment for Fiori, including deployment to a ERP/Gateway server


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A gulp-based build environment for Fiori development, including deployment to an ERP/Gateway server



  • Transpilation:
    • JavaScript files to ES5 using Babel.
    • SASS to CSS.
  • Linting:
    • JavaScript using ESlint against (a slightly modified) airbnb ruleset.
    • SASS using sass-lint.
  • Generates JavaScript and CSS source maps for easier browser debugging.
  • Minifies XML and HTML.
  • Builds a Component-preload.js containing all XML and JavaScript files.
  • Incudes a local browsersync development server with:
    • Easy service authentication,
    • Proxy middleware to forward OData service calls to your gateway server,
    • Automatic reloads on source code changes.
  • One click deployment to an ERP/Gateway server.


This gulp tasks will read config from the /gulpTaskFiles/sap-config.json file, which has the following options:

    gateway: '<url>',            // url for the service endpoint and deployment server : '<scheme>://<host>:<port>'
    launchpadUrl: '<dir>',       // url for the launchpad (defaults to 'sap/bc/ui5_ui5/ui2/ushell/shells/abap/FioriLaunchpad.html')
    cookieName: '<name>',        // the name of the cookie that will be fetched during the auth process
    localDevPort: '<port>',      // the port that browsersync will run off (defaults to 3000)
    bspDeployTarget: '<name>',   // the name of the BSP application to which the auto deployment script will deploy to
    deploymentService: '<name>', // the name of the OData service which you setup (as per the deployment section below)

File Structure

Single App File Structure

This is the general use case; use this structure if you are building a single app to be served from a single BSP application.

├── /.vscode/                   # visual studio code config files
├── /gulpTaskFiles/             # files relating to the gulp tasks
│   ├── /tasks/                 # code for individual gulp tasks
│   └── /sap-config.json        # config file for the build processes
├── /node_modules/              # 3rd-party libraries and utilities
├── /src/                       # The source code of the application
│   ├── /index.html             # Base HTML page
│   ├── /js/                    # javascript/code related source files
│   │   ├── /controller/        # Controller JavaScript files
│   │   ├── /i18n/              # Internationalisation *.properties files
│   │   ├── /view/              # View XML files
│   │   ├── /fragment/          # Fragment XML files
│   │   ├── /Component.js       # Component definition file
│   │   └── /manifest.json      # Component manifest file
│   ├── /lib/                   # 3rd-party JavaScript library files
│   └── /css/                   # StyleSheet files (scss)
├── /build/                     # build directory
└── /zip/                       # deployment zips

Multi-App Source File Structure

A slightly more advanced use case; use this structure you are building multiple apps to be served from a single BSP application. This is useful if you've got a few closely related apps that you want logically separated, but don't want to manage separate BSP applications. All apps will be built into separate Component-preload.js files.

├── /src/
│   ├── /app_ONE                    # app_ONE source code
│   │   │                           # just use the single app SRC folder structure from above
│   │   ├── /index.html
│   │   ├── /js/
│   │   │   ├── /controller/
│   │   │   ├── /i18n/
│   │   │   ├── /view/
│   │   │   ├── /fragment/
│   │   │   ├── /Component.js
│   │   │   └── /manifest.json
│   │   ├── /lib/
│   │   └── /css/
│   ├── /app_TWO                    # app_TWO source code
│   │   └── ...                     # Single App Structure
│   ├── /library_ONE                # library_ONE source code
│   │   ├── /is.library             # Library indicator file
│   │   └── ...                     # Single App Structure
│   └── ...                         # repeat for as many apps/libraries as required

Note that for the library above, an empty file is added to the tree name is.library. This file tells the library that the package is intended to be built into a library-preload.json instead of a Component-preload.js.

3rd-party Libraries

If you use any 3rd-party libraries, make sure that they are put in the lib folder, and that the lib folder is not under the js folder. If they are placed under the js folder, then they will be linted and prepared as user-code, which will significantly slow your build.

All libraries included in the lib folder will be bundled into a single lib-dbg.js/lib.js file. This means that you can then access them via standard dependency injection:

], function() {


Where <namespace> is your app's root namespace.

Gulp Tasks

glup watch

  • Fetches login cookies from the SAP server,
  • Starts the local development server with proxies,
  • Watches for changes to all buildable files, and
  • Rebuilds files on change.

The development server will automatically proxy all OData service requests to your desired endpoint.


  • --no-server
    • Watches for changes to all buildable files and rebuilds on change.
  • --no-auth
    • Skips fetching an auth token from the SAP.
  • --no-proxy
    • Disables the proxy to the SAP server, and the authentication

gulp build

Builds the source code into the build folder.

gulp deploy

Builds the source code, then opens a window to manage the deployment (see Deployment).


  • --no-rebuild
    • Don't rebuild before opening the confirmation page
  • --no-auth
    • Skips fetching an auth token from the SAP.


  1. Obtain a lock on the BSP application.
  2. Run gulp deploy.
  3. Follow the prompts.

Alternately if you already have a watch server running, you can just open http://localhost:3000/deploy in your browser (where 3000 is the dev port defined in your config).

Deployment to SAP

To automate deployment to SAP we need to:

  • copy a standard function module and make some changes
  • create an OData Service

Function Module

Make a copy of the SAP Function Module /UI5/UI5_REPOSITORY_LOAD_HTTP and its includes, calling it ZUI5_REPOSITORY_LOAD_HTTP, then make the following changes:

Add a new importing parameter:


Add this code to line 171 to use the zip file passed in:

GET REFERENCE OF ev_log_messages INTO log_messages_ref.
  CREATE OBJECT sapui5_archive
      iv_url          = iv_url
      iv_zip_file     = iv_zip_file
      ir_log_messages = log_messages_ref.

In the copy of the include /UI5/LUI5_REPOSITORY_LOADD01 change the constructor on line 135:

methods: constructor importing iv_url type string
         iv_zip_file type xstring optional
         ir_log_messages type ref to string_table,

Change the copy of the include /UI5/LUI5_REPOSITORY_LOADP01 to use the zip file passed in:

*   Access zip file via http
    IF iv_zip_file IS NOT SUPPLIED.
*     ... Confirm Url
      cl_http_client=>create_by_url( EXPORTING  url = me->url
                                     IMPORTING  client = me->http_client
                                     EXCEPTIONS argument_not_found = 1
                                        plugin_not_active  = 2
                                        internal_error     = 3
                                        OTHERS             = 4  ).
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        me->ok = abap_false. me->error_message = text-011.
        REPLACE '%' IN me->error_message WITH me->url.
        APPEND me->error_message TO log_messages_ref->*.
        DATA: message TYPE string.
        message = text-012. APPEND message TO me->log_messages_ref->*.
        CONCATENATE '. ' iv_url INTO message RESPECTING BLANKS.
        APPEND message TO log_messages_ref->*.

*    ... Grep binary content of archive
      DATA: return_code TYPE sysubrc.
      http_client->send( EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1 ).
      http_client->receive( EXCEPTIONS OTHERS = 1 ).

          code = return_code
          message = message
      IF return_code IS NOT INITIAL.
        me->ok = abap_false. me->error_message = text-011.
        REPLACE '%' IN me->error_message WITH me->url.
        APPEND me->error_message TO me->log_messages_ref->*.

         xstring = http_client->response->get_data( ).
         xstring = iv_zip_file.

OData Service

Create a new OData project in SAP transaction SEGW. Add an entity called Project with the following properties:

  • appName (Edm.String / Key)
  • zipFile (Edm.Binary)

Implement the 'Create' operation and use the following code:

method projects_create_entity.

      lt_log_messages      type string_table,
      ls_error_message     type string,
      lt_object_locks      type  cts_object_locks,
      lt_recording_entries type cts_recording_entries,
      ls_recording_entries type cts_recording_entry,
      lt_requests          type cts_requests,
      lv_success           type char1.

           <ls_log_messages> like line of lt_log_messages .

        es_data = er_entity ).

    " lets get the transport
    data(lv_transport) = er_entity-app_name.
    translate lv_transport to upper case.

    ls_recording_entries-object_entry-object_key-pgmid = 'R3TR'.
    ls_recording_entries-object_entry-object_key-object = 'WAPA'.
    ls_recording_entries-object_entry-object_key-obj_name = lv_transport.
    append ls_recording_entries to lt_recording_entries.

    " make sure we have an object lock
    call function 'CTS_WBO_API_CHECK_OBJECTS'
        recording_entries = lt_recording_entries
        as4user           = sy-uname
        requests          = lt_requests
        object_locks      = lt_object_locks.

    if lt_object_locks is initial.
      raise exception type /iwbep/cx_mgw_busi_exception
          textid            = /iwbep/cx_mgw_busi_exception=>business_error_unlimited
          message_unlimited = 'No open transports found. Create a transport and then give it another crack.'.

    " upload the files to the bsp app
    call function 'ZUI5_REPOSITORY_LOAD_HTTP'
        iv_zip_file                = er_entity-zip_file
        iv_url                     = 'NA'
        iv_sapui5_application_name = er_entity-app_name
        iv_workbench_request       = lt_object_locks[ 1 ]-lock_holder-req_header-trkorr
        iv_external_code_page      = 'Cp1252'
        ev_success                 = lv_success
        ev_log_messages            = lt_log_messages.
    loop at lt_log_messages assigning <ls_log_messages>.
      ls_error_message  = ls_error_message && ' ' && <ls_log_messages>.

    " didn't work?
    if lv_success <> 'S'.
      raise exception type /iwbep/cx_mgw_busi_exception
          textid            = /iwbep/cx_mgw_busi_exception=>business_error_unlimited
          message_unlimited = ls_error_message.



A gulp-based build environment for Fiori, including deployment to a ERP/Gateway server







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