App Name: Productivity
App Tagline: A productivity app for students that incentivizes work
App Description: The app allows users to create accounts where they can keep track of their classes and assignments. Additionally, they can use the built-in timer as they work to raise their place in our user work time leader board.
Demo video:
Frontend Description:
- Backend integrated user authorization via account creation and logging in
- Creating, updating, and deleting an authenticated user's courses on the backend
- Displaying authenticated user's courses
- Creating, updating, and deleting an authenticated user's assignments on the backend
- Displaying authenticated user's assignments and allowing them to check off complete ones
- Allowing authenticated users to set work timers and updating time worked in backend
- Displaying status of number of completed assignments and position on time worked leader board
Frontend Requirements:
Multiple screens that you can navigate between:
- There multiple sets of screens for each tab of the app that the user can navigate through.
At least one scrollable view:
- The view for courses and assignments are scrollable.
Networking integration with a backend API:
- The app uses the backend API to store, retrieve, and update user data.
Backend Requirements:
At least 4 routes (1 must be GET, 1 must be POST, 1 must be DELETE):
- Implemented route for getting user by id: GET /api/users/<int:user_id>/
- Implemented route for updating assignment: POST: /api/assignment/<int:assignment_id>/
- Implemented route for deleting assignment: DELETE: /api/assignment/<int:assignment_id>/
At least 2 tables in database with a relationship between them:
- We have a User table and a Timer table where there are many timers for one user
API specification explaining each implemented route:
- Included in repo