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breca edited this page Mar 3, 2018 · 1 revision

How do I run this in Windows?

You can run this straight from source if you have Python 3 installed.

  1. Grab the latest Python 3 installer from
  2. Using an ADMINISTRATIVE console, you'll need to then install the libraries this needs to run. At time of writing, these are...
  • Pillow
  • pytz
  • requests_futures You'll need to pip install these. Assuming that Python is in your path, you can go ahead and launch 'BGS'

How to customise this for your wing

  1. Replace images\logo_patch.png with your cool wing logo. Current image dimensions are 200x175, other dimensions will work but might not format very nicely.
  2. Replace images\favicon.ico with your cool icon. There are many resources online where you can generate a favicon from an image.
  3. Edit the settings.ini file and change the 'AdvisorFaction' to whatever your BGS Faction is called.
  4. Change the 'versionurl' to wherever you are going to be hosting your Companion from.

How to package for Windows

Note: This part assumes you've already got Python3 installed, have done your customisation, etc.

There's no doubt lots of ways to do this but I went with PyInstaller.

  1. Install PyInstaller if you don't have it.
  2. Run PyInstaller from the directory root: pyinstaller --clean --noconfirm --noconsole -i images\favicon.ico -y "BGS"
  3. Once it's done you need to copy your settings.ini and images into the new 'BGS Companion' directory under 'dist'
  4. Ensure that new directory has an 'etc' directory. It can be empty, it just needs to be there. 😄
  5. Zip it up, and then test it out (using the .exe obvs)
  6. Assuming nothing blew up, throw it up on your host.