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Rephink: A real-time stack based on Phoenix Framework, RethinkDB, Elm, Webpack

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Rephink: A real-time stack based on Phoenix Framework, RethinkDB, Elm, Webpack

In search of a perfect stack

I think it's still a popular question that comes up whenever you meet new people in the industry: so, what's your stack? And you answer with something like "LAMP", or "MEAN", or some other four-letter word. Every year or so you get to hear a new one, and other ones take exit (not LAMP though, this one just can't quit for some reason), and finally you realize that there's no such thing as the perfect stack. And the same applies to frameworks.

What you figure out instead is that some stacks work really well for a particular kind of tasks, but can easily fail for some other kinds. It all depends on the problem you're trying to solve. And that's an essential part of what system architecture is about.

Thus, there's no such thing as the perfect stack. However, you can get somewhat close to perfection by keeping in mind your goals and constrains while choosing the tools. Of course, then the specs can suddenly take a pivot, and you're going to have to find a way to follow, but that's a different story.

So, a particular kind of applications we want to talk about today are those using real-time functionality. Doesn't matter what the exact problem is, let's just say it all comes down to users needing to receive immediate feedback during the application interactions operating on some common state, which is a fairly popular situation nowadays.

Of course, there are already some great tools for it out there, and the first thing that comes to mind is, obviously, WebSocket Protocol, which we'll be using as well. If you look at some of its most popular implementations that were out there during the last years, a lot of them have their server side written in Node.js (which somewhat convenient since the client side is almost always in JavaScript). This includes /, Sockjs and based on it Meteor.js. The latter, in fact, is one of the most impressive platforms for the real-time applications, and I'd even go further and say it's one of the best for prototyping.

However, if you want something more robust and scalable (either for no particular reason, or you're just done with prototyping and have some indisputable needs that require scalability), you could try something else.

What we're going to describe here is a real-time stack based on Phoenix Framework (written in Elixir language) and RethinkDB (which is a scalable JSON database with built-in real-time features). In order to move even further from JavaScript, we'll also try something different for our client-side: Elm is a functional language that compiles to JavaScript while providing some amazing performance and enhanced development efficiency.

So, this guide is essentially about making it all working together in an extremely innovative example of an application which is a todo list.

Todo list

Now, before you go ahead with booing, I admit that a todo list application is probably the most distressed kind of a Web application example, but in my defense there are certain advantages in using it, like the fact that you don't need to reinvent the specs or a variety of benchmarks available out there. Besides, I honestly believe that despite the fact that there are loads of todo list apps out there, no one still got this thing totally right (that's in case you're looking for a business opportunity 😁 ).

Install Elixir and Phoenix

Elixir is a dynamic functional language leveraging 30 years of existence of Erlang and combining it with amazing Ruby-like syntax. If you're like me and appreciated the natural beauty of a good script written in Ruby, you're going to love Elixir, since on top of that awesome syntax it doesn't have those performance / scalability issues (can I just add rvm and all the dependency management problems here?) that might have been making your experience with Ruby more painful than it needed to be.

I bet you're intrigued already, so let's go ahead and install this thing.

The installation guide on the Elixir website contains pretty much everything you need to install it. If you're on Mac, I'd recommend going with Homebrew: you can just type brew update && brew install elixir and relax. Otherwise, just pick a guide for your OS and you should be fine.

The version we'll be using here is v1.4, which is the latest at the time of writing.

Now that Elixir is installed, let's proceed with Phoenix.

Phoenix is a productive, reliable and fast Web application framework for Elixir language. Let's mention right away that it's very different from Ruby on Rails in both its core and details; however, they do share some values (some API patterns and principles are borrowed from Rails, for example), and one can say that Phoenix is for the Elixir community the same thing Rails is for the Ruby one: the framework.

By this point you should already have both Erlang and Elixir installed, so you can start reading Phoenix installation guide from the Phoenix section. Note that the guide also includes a section on installing Node.js (which we're going to need to work later with Elm anyway, so go ahead and install it) and a section on PostgreSQL (which you can safely skip, since we'll be using RethinkDB instead). Also, you can easily reply 'no' to the question about installing the dependencies, since we won't be needing the default JavaScript dependencies Phoenix comes with.

The version of Phoenix described in this article is v1.3. Most of the stuff should easily work with v1.2 as well, but v1.3 introduces some structural changes, see the upgrade guide for details.

Install RethinkDB

Installing RethinkDB is pretty simple: just follow the instructions for your particular OS from their installation page.

If you're on a Mac, the easiest way is probably to use Homebrew again:

brew update && brew install rethinkdb

Once it's done and the RethinkDB server is up and running, go to http://localhost:8080 and make sure you can access the administrative console (which automatically comes with the RethinkDB server).

It's all set? Let's go ahead and create our application then.

Create a new Phoenix application

Following Rails' traditions, Phoenix comes with a bunch of CLI generators, of which the main is the one creating a new project. So, generating a new application is fairly simple:

mix rephink

That is it, if you cd rephink && ls, you'll be able to see your brand new application structure created by Phoenix for you. Beautiful, isn't it? Don't forget to git init at this point in case you want to version control your steps.

Add RethinkDB Ecto adapter and create your database

Ecto is an amazingly simple and useful database layer containing migration engine and a DSL for writing queries. Phoenix uses it by default (although one could easily change that by adding --no-ecto option to the command that generates your new Phoenix project).

Now, as great as Ecto is, we don't have to use it for this particular project, since RethinkDB queries we'll be running are a little bit different from, let's say, PostgreSQL ones. However, schema definition and migrations can still make Ecto extremely useful. Besides, having this amazing Ecto adapter for RethinkDB lets use Ecto with RethinkDB without adding a lot of extra code.

So, let's set it up. Add rethinkdb_ecto to your dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
   {:cowboy, "~> 1.0"},
   {:rethinkdb_ecto, "~> 0.6.2"}]

You can also remove postgrex since we're not going to use it.

Add a couple of lines to config/config.exs to specify the adapter:

config :rephink, Rephink.Repo,
  adapter: RethinkDB.Ecto

And update the database configuration in the environment config file (i.e. config/dev.exs, since we're just trying it all out for now):

config :rephink, Rephink.Repo,
  [port: 28015, host: "localhost", database: "rephink", db: "rephink"]

Notice the presence of both database and db keys in that keyword list. The reason we need them both is that we're going to use this configuration with two different libraries (rethinkdb and rethinkdb-ecto) and they have different opinions on the right name for the database key.

Don't forget to mix deps.get and resolve dependencies if needed, then try running mix ecto.create. If you got it all right this should create a database called "rephink" which should show up in the tables section of the RethinkDB admin console (http://localhost:8080/ by default).

Create the database table

Since it's a pretty basic example aiming at giving you an overall impression only, we're just going to use one table, the one that'll store our todos.

All we need to do is to use a schema generator provided by Phoenix:

mix phx.gen.schema Rephink.Todo todos task:string completed:boolean

This will create a schema and a migration for a new table that will store our todos. We chose the simplest structure since, once again, our application won't include any fancy todo fields (related to scheduling, etc.), nor it will have any auth built in. So, we can get away with using only two fields, but at the same time it should be able to get us an acceptable overview of the basics.

Finally, we need to run the migration using mix ecto.migrate, and this will create a new table in our database (along with the schema_migrations table used to track the migrations).

Install Elm

In order to install Elm follow the instructions from And if you're on Mac, once again, Homebrew is your friend:

brew install elm

Throughout this post we'll assume using v0.18 of Elm.

Install Webpack and make it work with Phoenix

Phoenix comes with Brunch configuration for managing application assets, but we're going to use Webpack instead, so the first thing we should do is removing the Brunch configuration file: rm assets/brunch-config.js (here and elsewhere all the paths are relative to the project root folder). Let's remove Brunch dependencies from assets/package.json as well:

  "repository": {},
  "license": "MIT",
  "scripts": {
    "deploy": "brunch build --production",
    "watch": "brunch watch --stdin"
  "dependencies": {
    "phoenix": "file:../deps/phoenix",
    "phoenix_html": "file:../deps/phoenix_html"
  "devDependencies": {

Next, let's install Webpack (we're using v2.3.3 here):

cd assets && npm install --save-dev webpack

Once it's done, create assets/webpack.config.js with the following content:

module.exports = {
  entry: './js/app.js',
  output: {
    path: require('path').resolve('./../priv/static'),
    filename: 'js/app.js'

Now we need to add a command that will be used to run Webpack. Open assets/package.json again and edit the line corresponding to the watch script. Also, since we're already here, let's replace the deployment script as well in order to get rid of any mentioning of Brunch:

  "scripts": {
    "deploy": "webpack -p",
    "watch": "webpack --watch-stdin --progress --color"

Next, update config/dev.exs to replace the watchers line under Rephink.Web.Endpoint configuration with the following

watchers: [npm: ["run", "watch", cd: Path.expand("../assets", __DIR__)]]

Now, since Phoenix uses ES2015 syntax for its JavaScript files, we're going to have to ask Webpack to transpile it for us.

Let's start with installing Babel:

cd assets && npm i babel-loader babel-core babel-preset-es2015 --save-dev

Configuration is pretty straightforward, all you need to do is to add the following lines to your assets/webpack.config.js:

module.exports = {

  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.js$/,
        exclude: /node_modules/,
        loader: 'babel-loader',
        options: {
          presets: ['es2015']

The only thing that's left to do is to tell Webpack how to resolve module requests (where to look for imports), which is as simple as adding var resolve = require('path').resolve; at the beginning of your assets/webpack.config.js and the following lines in the module.exports:

module.exports = {

  resolve: {
    modules: ['node_modules', resolve('./../deps')]

With this done you can go ahead and install your JavaScript dependencies via cd assets && npm i, then start the Phoenix server from the root folder of your application with mix phx.server. Once it's up, you should be able to see Webpack successfully compiling your JavaScript.

What about CSS, you ask? Ok, let's make Webpack compile CSS as well:

cd assets && npm i css-loader style-loader extract-text-webpack-plugin --save-dev

Update assets/webpack.config.js to include the CSS source, the loader and the plugin extracting CSS in a separate file:

var ExtractTextPlugin = require('extract-text-webpack-plugin');

module.exports = {
  entry: ['./js/app.js', './css/app.css'],
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.css$/,
        loader: ExtractTextPlugin.extract({fallback: 'style-loader', use: 'css-loader'})
  plugins: [
    new ExtractTextPlugin('css/app.css')

Finally, we need to move our static assets from assets/static to priv/static, and there's a Webpack plugin that takes care of it:

cd assets && npm i --save-dev copy-webpack-plugin

And, of course, add it to the Webpack configuration:

var CopyWebpackPlugin = require('copy-webpack-plugin');

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
    new CopyWebpackPlugin([{from: './static'}])

Add TodoMVC

Since this guide doesn't aim at teaching specifics of Elm programming from the very start, we'll use an example of the TodoMVC application provided by the Elm creator Evan Czaplicki (to whom go my sincere apologies for what I'm going to do with his beautiful code further) as the template for our frontend:

git clone elm && cd elm && rm -rf .git

This is essentially the equivalent of exporting only the default branch from the original Git repository, which makes sense for us, especially in case you're version-controlling the whole repository.

Now, how do we make our Phoenix server and Webpack compile Elm and show us the Elm application? This part doesn't get too complicated either. First, let's install Elm loader for Webpack:

cd assets && npm i --save-dev elm-webpack-loader

Next, in order to configure it to compile the Elm code, update you Webpack configuration with the following lines:

module.exports = {
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.elm$/,
        exclude: [/elm-stuff/, /node_modules/],
        loader:  'elm-webpack-loader?cwd=' + resolve('./../elm')

Once it's done, we're ready to integrate that TodoMVC example with our Phoenix setup. First, let's just move the CSS file bundled with the example to the appropriate location, so Webpack could pick it up:

mv elm/style.css assets/css/app.css

Next thing we need to do is to insert our Elm application into our homepage generated by Phoenix. Starting with JavaScript, update assets/js/app.js and add the following lines (taken mostly from elm/index.html and adapted for ES2015):

let Elm = require('../../elm/Todo.elm')
let storedState = localStorage.getItem('elm-todo-save')
let startingState = storedState ? JSON.parse(storedState) : null
let todomvc = Elm.Todo.fullscreen(startingState)
todomvc.ports.setStorage.subscribe((state) => {
    localStorage.setItem('elm-todo-save', JSON.stringify(state))

Note that we're keeping the subscription to local storage here for now just so we could see the app working, but it's going to be removed once we connect our Elm code to the database via a Phoenix channel.

Okay, after that piece of JavaScript is copied, you can safely delete elm/index.html, since we've got all we needed out of it.

The last thing to do before we'll be able to test our Elm setup is to clean up the page template coming with Phoenix by default. It's as simple as emptying the content of the body tag in lib/rephink/web/templates/layout/app.html.eex (except for the script tag that loads our JavaScript):

    <script src="<%= static_path(@conn, "/js/app.js") %>"></script>

Now, if everything is done right, once you start your Phoenix server with mix phx.server, you should see a fully functional TodoMVC example when you go to http://localhost:4000/. Try entering some tasks, but remember that the data is being stored in that particular browser, so if you open the same page in a different one, you'll get an empty list. But we're here to fix it.

Create a channel and connect to it using Elm

Phoenix channels are essentially a message passing engine that plays perfectly with Websockets in order to provide your application with real-time functionality. Using channels you can send and receive messages grouped by topics, broadcast to multiple clients, etc.

Let's just go ahead and create a channel, so we could learn it all in practice:

mix Todo

After that, as the message says, we need to add our channel to the socket handler in lib/rephink/web/channels/user_socket.ex:

channel "todo:*", Rephink.Web.TodoChannel

Once it's taken care of, let's write our channel module. The generator should have already created all the necessary functions with example signatures and bodies, so all we need to do is to open lib/rephink/web/channels/todo_channel.ex and edit it according to our goals:

defmodule Rephink.Web.TodoChannel do
  use Rephink.Web, :channel

  def join("todo:list", payload, socket) do
    if authorized?(payload) do
      {:ok, socket}
      {:error, %{reason: "unauthorized"}}

  def handle_in("ping", _payload, socket) do
    Rephink.Web.Endpoint.broadcast!(socket.topic, "pong", %{"response" => "pong"})

    {:noreply, socket}

  defp authorized?(_payload) do

Nothing special so far, we're keeping the standard placeholder for joining / authorization, but not going to elaborate on it in this post considering for sake of simplicity that we only have one common task list and everybody can read and modify it. As for the "ping" message, it's a temporary one, and we'll use it to make sure our channel can connect to the Elm client side.

Before we go any further, let's strip that local storage functionality that came with the original app, since we're not going to use it. In elm/Todo.elm, perform the following changes:

  1. remove port from the first line,

  2. remove the line

port setStorage : Model -> Cmd msg
  1. change
main : Program (Maybe Model) Model Msg

to be

main : Program Never Model Msg
  1. change


  1. change the line
         , update = updateWithStorage


         , update = update
  1. remove updateWithStorage declaration and body.

Also, the Elm app initialization in assets/js/app.js becomes much simpler:

// Elm application
let Elm = require('../../elm/Todo.elm')
let todomvc = Elm.Todo.fullscreen()

Okay, now that it's taken care of, let's add the Elm package that will help us communicate with Phoenix:

cd elm && elm package install -y fbonetti/elm-phoenix-socket

Next, open elm/Todo.elm and add the following to the imports section:

import Phoenix.Socket
import Phoenix.Channel
import Phoenix.Push

Now we need to add the socket to our application state (aka Model):

type alias Model =
    { entries : List Entry
    , ...
    , socket : Phoenix.Socket.Socket Msg

We must also initialize it properly, so init combined with emptyModel (which you can safely remove at this point) gives us the following:

init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
        channelName = "todo:list"
        channel = Phoenix.Channel.init channelName
            |> Phoenix.Channel.onJoin (always RequestEntries)
        socketInit = Phoenix.Socket.init "ws://localhost:4000/socket/websocket"
            |> Phoenix.Socket.on "pong" channelName ReceiveEntries
        ( socket, cmd ) =
            Phoenix.Socket.join channel socketInit
        { entries = []
        , visibility = "All"
        , field = ""
        , uid = 0
        , socket = socket
        } ! [ SocketMsg cmd ]

As you can see, we included socket / channel initialization and request to join, which in its turn should trigger requesting the todo entries from the database.

Next stop: we need to add some new messages to our Msg type:

type Msg
    = NoOp
    | SocketMsg (Phoenix.Socket.Msg Msg)
    | RequestEntries
    | ReceiveEntries Encode.Value

The latter requires a new import to be added:

import Json.Encode as Encode
import Debug exposing (log)

(here we've also added Elm's logging function, so we could analyze responses coming from our Phoenix server).

The first of these messages corresponds to the socket updates, the second one, RequestEntries, will send requests to the server via a Phoenix channel to fetch a specific set of entries, and finally ReceiveEntries defines how to handle the data we receive.

Now, we should describe how those messages are supposed to be handled within the update function:

update msg model =
    case msg of
        NoOp ->
        SocketMsg msg ->
                ( socket, cmd ) =
                    Phoenix.Socket.update msg model.socket
                { model | socket = socket } ! [ SocketMsg cmd ]

        RequestEntries ->
                push =
                    Phoenix.Push.init "ping" "todo:list"
                        |> Phoenix.Push.onOk ReceiveEntries
                ( socket, cmd ) =
                    Phoenix.Socket.push push model.socket
                { model | socket = socket } ! [ SocketMsg cmd ]

        ReceiveEntries raw ->
                entries = log "Ping" raw
                model ! []

Here, for sake of demonstration, we're sending a ping to our Phoenix server and just logging what's received.

The last addition we need to do is a subscription to our socket: change the subscriptions line in the main definition to

main =
        , subscriptions = subscriptions

and add the subscriptions section at the bottom of the elm/Todo.elm:


subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
    Phoenix.Socket.listen model.socket SocketMsg

Perfect, let's take it for a spin using mix phoenix server. If all is done properly, you should see Ping: { response = "pong" } in the browser console when you go to http://localhost:4000/ with developer tools open. This means our Elm application was able to successfully communicate with our server using a Phoenix channel.

However, as impressive as this ping-pong demonstration is, it's hardly useful until we somehow combine these results with the main purpose of our todo list app. So, let's figure out how to do it.

We'll start by fetching a list of todos from the server, and we will use the same message (we will just call it "todos") to request and receive the current list. On the server side, change that handle_in inside lib/rephink/web/channels/todo_channel.ex to the following:

  @table_name "todos"

  def handle_in("todos", _payload, socket) do
    %{data: todos} = table(@table_name) |>
    Rephink.Web.Endpoint.broadcast!(socket.topic, "todos", %{todos: todos})

    {:noreply, socket}

In order for this code to work, you should also:

  1. add import RethinkDB.Query at the beginning of that file,

  2. establish a database connection by creating lib/rephink/db.ex with the following content:

defmodule Rephink.DB do
  use RethinkDB.Connection
  1. add it as a worker to the main supervision tree in lib/rephink/application.ex:
  def start(_type, _args) do
    children = [
      # Start your own worker by calling: Rephink.Worker.start_link(arg1, arg2, arg3)
      worker(Rephink.DB, [Application.get_env(:rephink, Rephink.Repo)]),
  1. make sure your mix.exs starts the rethinkdb application:
  def application do
    [mod: {Rephink.Application, []},
     extra_applications: [:logger, :runtime_tools, :rethinkdb]]

Next, let's take care of the client side. In you elm/Todo.elm, start by replacing message names "ping" and "pong" with "todos":

        socketInit = Phoenix.Socket.init "ws://localhost:4000/socket/websocket"
            |> Phoenix.Socket.on "todos" channelName ReceiveEntries
        RequestEntries ->
                push =
                    Phoenix.Push.init "todos" "todo:list"

At this point we should be able to receive the todo list entries from the server, but still need to figure out how to update our model.

We will use ReceiveEntries message to do it:

        ReceiveEntries raw ->
                decoded =
                        ( Json.field "todos"
                            ( Json.list
                                ( Json.map4
                                    (Json.field "task" Json.string)
                                    (Json.field "completed" Json.bool)
                                    (Json.succeed False)
                                    (Json.field "id"
                case decoded of
                    Ok entries ->
                        { model | entries = entries } ! []
                    Err error ->
                        model ! []

Done? Let's try it out. For now we're just going to add some todos manually via RethinkDB admin which is running on http://localhost:8080 by default. Open http://localhost:8080/#tables and make sure your database was created and has todos table. Then switch to http://localhost:8080/#dataexplorer and enter the following:

  {id: 1, task: "Task 1", completed: false},
  {id: 2, task: "Task 2", completed: false},
  {id: 3, task: "Task 3", completed: false}

(or, well, any other tasks you have in mind).

Once it's run, r.db('rephink').table('todos') should show you that we have three rows in our table now. And actually, starting your Phoenix server and opening http://localhost:4000 should also show you your todo list with the same entries. You can even edit / delete / complete items, the only problem is that it won't be written to the database. But we'll fix it in a bit.

Update the database

Let's start with adding new entries. On the server side, we need another handle_in clause in lib/rephink/web/channels/todo_channel.ex:

  def handle_in("insert", %{"todo" => todo}, socket) do
      |> insert(todo)
    %{data: todos} = table(@table_name) |>
    Rephink.Web.Endpoint.broadcast!(socket.topic, "todos", %{todos: todos})

    {:noreply, socket}

On the client side, it's a bit more work. First, a little side note: in this example we'll be using integer row ids, which is not the best idea and it's not what RethinkDB is using by default. The reason we want it is that we'd like to keep this example as simple as possible, and the original TodoMVC example was based on integer ids. With that in mind, let's add a little update to the model which will get triggered whenever we fetch our entries from the server:

        ReceiveEntries raw ->
                decoded =
                nextId xs = List.foldl (\x y->if > y then else y) 0 xs
                case decoded of
                    Ok entries ->
                        { model | entries = entries, uid = nextId entries } ! []

This finds the biggest row id in the entries and stores it in the uid field. And it gets extremely handy when we're trying to insert a new record in the database:

update msg model =
        Add ->
                payload =
                        [ ( "todo", Encode.object
                            [ ("task", Encode.string model.field)
                            , ("id", (model.uid + 1))
                            , ("completed", Encode.bool False)

                push =
                    Phoenix.Push.init "insert" "todo:list"
                        |> Phoenix.Push.withPayload payload

                ( socket, cmd ) =
                    Phoenix.Socket.push push model.socket
                { model | socket = socket, field = "" }
                    ! [ SocketMsg cmd ]


Now, once again, using integer ids and generating them on the client is probably something that can be easily nominated to receive the "Worst Idea Ever" prize, but for sake of simplicity we'll just assume that every client gets its entries updated before inserting any new row in the database, and that there's no race conditions possible. In the real world, of course, the way to go is to use the UUIDs being generated by RethinkDB by default.

So, with this disclaimer out of the way, run mix phx.server, open http://localhost:4000/ and add a new entry (type something in the input field and hit Enter). You should see your new entry appearing in the list, and it should be there even once you refresh the page, it's stored in the database now.

Perfect, let's proceed with updating the existing records then. The flow is very similar, we're starting by adding a server-side handler to lib/rephink/web/channels/todo_channel.ex:

  def handle_in("update", %{"todo" => todo}, socket) do
      |> update(todo)
    %{data: todos} = table(@table_name) |>
    Rephink.Web.Endpoint.broadcast!(socket.topic, "todos", %{todos: todos})

    {:noreply, socket}

Then, on the client side we're going to be changing the EditingEntry message and adding a new one called SyncEntry (which should also be added to the Msg type):

type Msg
    = NoOp
    | SyncEntry Int
update msg model =

        EditingEntry id isEditing ->
                updateEntry t =
                    if == id then
                        { t | editing = isEditing }

                focus =
                    Dom.focus ("todo-" ++ toString id)

                (updatedModel, cmd) =
                    if (not isEditing) then
                        update (SyncEntry id) model
                        (model, Cmd.none)
                { updatedModel | entries = updateEntry updatedModel.entries }
                    ! [ Task.attempt (\_ -> NoOp) focus, cmd ]

        SyncEntry id ->
                edited = List.head (List.filter (\x -> == id) model.entries)
                ( socket, cmd ) =
                    case edited of
                        Nothing -> (model.socket, Cmd.none)
                        Just entry ->
                                payload =
                                        [ ( "todo", Encode.object
                                            [ ("task", Encode.string entry.description)
                                            , ("id",
                                            , ("completed", Encode.bool entry.completed)

                                push =
                                    Phoenix.Push.init "update" "todo:list"
                                        |> Phoenix.Push.withPayload payload

                              Phoenix.Socket.push push model.socket
                { model | socket = socket }
                    ! [ SocketMsg cmd ]

What's happening here is we're sending our updated entry to the server (via SyncEntry) whenever we finish editing (receiving EditingEntry with isEditing equal to False). This doesn't let us handle the completion of tasks though, so we also need to update Check and CheckAll handlers:

update msg model =

        Check id isComplete ->
                updateEntry t =
                    if == id then
                        { t | completed = isComplete }
                updatedModel = { model | entries = updateEntry model.entries }
                update (SyncEntry id) updatedModel

        CheckAll isCompleted ->
                updateEntry t =
                    { t | completed = isCompleted }
                allCheckedModel = { model | entries = updateEntry model.entries }
                syncEntry t (model, cmdList) =
                        (updatedModel, newCmd) = update (SyncEntry model
                        (updatedModel, List.append cmdList [ newCmd ])
                (updatedModel, cmdList) = List.foldr
                    syncEntry (allCheckedModel, [])
                updatedModel ! cmdList

As you might have noticed, the last update handler is extremely inefficient since it sends a number of messages essentially equal to the number of our todo entries being checked. Instead, we should have introduced a command for bulk update of a list of entries, but for sake of simplicity we're leaving it as a refactoring exercise to the reader (same applies to the updated DeleteComplete handler below).

Now, the only thing that's left to handle is removing entries, which consists of a server and a client side as well. Let's start with the server side and add removal clause to the lib/rephink/web/channels/todo_channel.ex:

  def handle_in("delete", %{"todo" => todo}, socket) do
      |> get(todo["id"])
      |> delete()
    %{data: todos} = table(@table_name) |>
    Rephink.Web.Endpoint.broadcast!(socket.topic, "todos", %{todos: todos})

    {:noreply, socket}

As for the client side code for entry removal, it looks like this:

update msg model =

        Delete id ->
                deleted = List.head (List.filter (\x -> == id) model.entries)
                ( socket, cmd ) =
                    case deleted of
                        Nothing -> (model.socket, Cmd.none)
                        Just entry ->
                                payload =
                                        [ ( "todo", Encode.object
                                            [ ("id", ]

                                push =
                                    Phoenix.Push.init "delete" "todo:list"
                                        |> Phoenix.Push.withPayload payload

                              Phoenix.Socket.push push model.socket
                { model | socket = socket }
                    ! [ SocketMsg cmd ]

        DeleteComplete ->
                deleteEntry t (model, cmdList) =
                        (updatedModel, newCmd) = update (Delete model
                        (updatedModel, List.append cmdList [ newCmd ])
                (updatedModel, cmdList) = List.foldr
                    deleteEntry (model, [])
                    (List.filter .completed model.entries)
                updatedModel ! cmdList

With this in place we should have fully functional (albeit not perfect in terms of performance) todo list example in Elm connected to RethinkDB database via Phoenix backend. But wait, is there anything special about it? Was it even worth it? It will, in just a couple of minutes.

Subscribe to the changes

Changefeeds are arguably one of the most attractive features of RethinkDB. Remember Meteor.js? All the performance and compatibility issues aside, it was kind of cool getting real-time updates for free, and it even was (almost) scalable via MongoDB oplog tailing. So, RethinkDB changefeeds let you essentially get the same functionality, once again, for free. Well, almost.

Changefeeds allow you to subscribe and receive changes in the results of virtually any RethinkDB query. You can easily track a query, a table or even a single document using this functionality. And given the fact that the clustering, replication and sharding are built-in, you don't have to worry about scalability for a while in case you had some (most probably premature) concerns about it.

So, how do we arrange it? Let's say, we want to sync our todo list across multiple devices and get real-time pushes whenever we edit it on one of them? Let's see.

First, we're going to be using a dedicated library to deal with the changefeeds: Configuration is pretty straightforward: we just need to add {:rethinkdb_changefeed, "~> 0.0.1"} to the list of the dependencies and start :rethinkdb_changefeed with all the other extra_applications in the application in our mix.exs. Don't forget to run mix deps.get to fetch the library.

Next, let's create lib/rephink/changefeed.ex containing the following

defmodule Rephink.Changefeed do
  use RethinkDB.Changefeed
  import RethinkDB.Query

  @table_name "todos"
  @topic "todo:list"

  def start_link(db, gen_server_opts \\ [name: Rephink.Changefeed]) do
    RethinkDB.Changefeed.start_link(__MODULE__, db, gen_server_opts)

  def init(db) do
    query = table(@table_name)
    %{data: data} =, db)
    todos =, fn (x) ->
      {x["id"], x}
    end) |> Enum.into(%{})

    {:subscribe, changes(query), db, {db, todos}}

  def handle_update(data, {db, todos}) do
    todos = Enum.reduce(data, todos, fn
      %{"new_val" => nv, "old_val" => ov}, p ->
        case nv do
          nil ->
            Map.delete(p, ov["id"])
          %{"id" => id} ->
            Map.put(p, id, nv)
    Rephink.Web.Endpoint.broadcast!(@topic, @table_name, %{todos: Map.values(todos)})

    {:next, {db, todos}}

What we got ourselves here is essentially a GenServer that holds the current list of todos as its state and updates it whenever the database subscription receives change notifications.

So, all we need to do now with this changefeed process is to add it to our supervision tree in lib/rephink/application.ex:

  def start(_type, _args) do
    children = [
      worker(Rephink.Changefeed, [Rephink.DB])

Note that the update handler also broadcasts the updated todo list, which means that if you start your Phoenix server now and, for example, open the application in two browser tabs simultaneously then updating something in one tab will automatically update the other one. Yes, do see it for yourself.

It's interesting that in this particular case when we only have one topic common for all the users, simple broadcasting to the channel on any update would do the trick, however in more elaborate cases different users should be subscribed to receive different set of entries. Besides, the database content can also be modified via other applications / tools (you can try updating one of your entries directly using RethinkDB admin console at http://localhost:8080/, for example), and that's where our database subscription really shines.

Although at this point we're basically reached our goal, let's apply one final touch in order to improve the structure of our code. We're going to move the database interactions out of our channel code, which will let us use our changefeed process' state to store the current todos and only hit the database when it's really needed. In order to do that, let's add the following to our lib/rephink/changefeed.ex:

  def handle_call(:todos, _from, {db, todos}) do
    Rephink.Web.Endpoint.broadcast!(@topic, @table_name, %{todos: Map.values(todos)})

    {:reply, Map.values(todos), {db, todos}}

  def handle_call({:insert, todo}, _from, {db, todos}) do
      |> insert(todo)

    {:reply, Map.values(todos), {db, todos}}

  def handle_call({:update, todo}, _from, {db, todos}) do
      |> update(todo)

    {:reply, Map.values(todos), {db, todos}}

  def handle_call({:delete, todo}, _from, {db, todos}) do
      |> filter(todo)
      |> delete()

    {:reply, Map.values(todos), {db, todos}}

This will allow us to simplify rephink/lib/rephink/web/channels/todo_channel.ex (let's just provide the complete listing here):

defmodule Rephink.Web.TodoChannel do
  use Rephink.Web, :channel
  alias RethinkDB.Changefeed

  def join("todo:list", payload, socket) do
    if authorized?(payload) do
      {:ok, socket}
      {:error, %{reason: "unauthorized"}}

  def handle_in("todos", _payload, socket) do, :todos)

    {:noreply, socket}

  def handle_in("insert", %{"todo" => todo}, socket) do, {:insert, todo})

    {:noreply, socket}

  def handle_in("update", %{"todo" => todo}, socket) do, {:update, todo})

    {:noreply, socket}

  def handle_in("delete", %{"todo" => todo}, socket) do, {:delete, todo})

    {:noreply, socket}

  defp authorized?(_payload) do

As you can see here, all the database queries were moved out of the channel code and replaced with the server calls, and the changefeed code holds all the data we need in its state and updates it whenever the database gets updated.


Thus, what we described here is essentially a real-time platform that can be used to create applications for multiple devices with real-time update and syncing capabilities. So what, you may say, it's so 2012. Well, yes and no: this time it's faster, more reliable, robust and well-structured. Besides, the tools we're using now have built-in scalability features, so if at some point you're going to feel like you need to scale horizontally, you can easily leverage the power of distributed Elixir and RethinkDB clustering.

Obviously, it's a somewhat artificial example based on multiple assumptions that are hardly applicable to real life situations, but the purpose of it is mostly to show how these amazing tools can be connected and work together. I really hope I managed at least to get you interested. And of course, your constructive feedback is always welcome.



The MIT License

Copyright (c) 2017 Ruslan Bredikhin


Rephink: A real-time stack based on Phoenix Framework, RethinkDB, Elm, Webpack







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