PiBox is a web control Interface for Embedded Board, writen by python.
With PiBox,you can do something like that:
See these steps for a build guide(cd Pibox).
First install the dependencies:
sudo apt-get install python-pip python-dev build-essential libjsoncpp-dev libjpeg-dev zlib1g-dev
sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
sudo pip install pillow
sudo pip install Django==1.6.6
sudo apt-get install scons
Then run building script:
sudo sh ./install_source.sh
sudo sh ./install_env.sh
Start and stop scripts:
sudo sh ./start.sh
sudo sh ./stop.sh
After run the start script,open your browser and go to the URL: board's ip):8000
(File browser use /home/shares)
uninstall and reinstall: delete the folder and do these steps again.
- native yeelink(connect your hardwares to web).
- File Browser.
- Web ssh.
- host status monitor.
- webcam snapshot.
- GPIO control.
- more here
PiBox is free software;you can redistribute it and/or modify it under terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
If you want more background on how it works,create an issue or email me:-).
写这个PiBox的初衷是现在智能硬件的概念很火,打着家庭网关称号的路由器层出不穷,什么智能家居拉,带摄像头拉,控制家电拉,做小车阿,作者也手痒,于是就着手开始做这么一个web base的嵌入式交互应用(好文绉绉..).
如果要扩展应用,可以参考optional-app的写一个程序放到APP文件夹,见example-app的readme. 如果要使用已有的app,请参考optional-app的readme.