Taylor Tours and Travels page displays the available vacation destinations. All the data is being pulled in from an api and for the split second that the data takes to load, there is a loading screen that pulls up. Once the data loads, the displays the information. If the person
Link to project: Taylor Tours and Travels
Tech used: React, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
Taylor Tours and Travels page displays the available vacation destinations. All the data is being pulled in from an api and for the split second that the data takes to load, there is a loading screen that pulls up. Once the data loads, the displays the information. Each vacation destination is a component and as the destinations are increased or decreased, the components will generate dynamically depending on the data that is provided. No other change needs to be made. A 'not interested' button is present to remove destinations that the user might not be interested in visiting.
I plan to build the booking page that will allow the user to book the interested destination.