BoostJS 🚀 serverside by
BoostJS is an opinionated framework designed to make responsive data easy and efficient. This is a nodejs serverside implementation which provides efficient data publishing over websockets. BoostJS currently only supports RethinkDB.
Implementing Boost is currently not easy. Following this sample project is probably the easiest way to get started.
npm install boostjs-server
const BoostServer = require('boostjs-server');
const boost = new BoostServer({
spdy: {
protocols: ['http/1.1'],
plain: true,
const port = 3000;
const app =;
app.get('/', function(req, res) {
res.send('It Works!');
boost.launch(port, err => {
console.log('Listening on port ' + port);
- thinky: RethinkDB ORM
- socket connections between server and client with multiplexing, fallbacks, auto-reconnect, and other useful features
This project requires Rethinkdb to be installed on your machine
Additionally, you will need node and npm. Current recommend version is 6.x