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The goal of this program is to simplify a students day with an efficient software solution, to make the many small notes on which students record their timetables, work tasks, received grades, calculated grade point averages, etc. obsolete.


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Učenički Dnevnik (Student Diary)


Modern technologies which are supposed to facilitate the learning process of young people, have become an integral part of everyday education. The challenge for learners today, however, is the true flood of information they are confronted with and which they must master to filter efficiently in order to remain successful. This can lead to chaos and disorganization amongst young people. The goal of this paper is therefore to minimize the effects of this negative development through modern technologies, and thus to simplify a students day with an efficient software solution. In the course of the paper, a software, which has the goal to make the many small notes on which students record their timetables, work tasks, received grades, calculated grade point averages, etc. obsolete. All this will be available through an application called 'Student Diary', just at your fingertips. - abstract of the provided paper

This software solution has been finished back in 2019. It was a project for "Regional Talent Centre - Belgrade" Competition.

This project has been awarded with Special Diploma for the Best Project of the Competition.

In this repository you can find a paper which explains all the details about this software solution. There are two files: one in English, in Latin script, and one in Serbian, in cyrillic script.

For any further questions, you can contact me on the email provided on my GitHub profile page.


Obrazovanje u današnje vreme ne može se ni zamisliti bez novih tehnologija i softvera koji olakšavaju svakodnevni rad i učenje mladih ljudi. Veliki problem učenika prestavlja obimnost i količina informacija, nevezanih za gradivo, koje moraju da prime da bi ostvarili neki uspeh. To kod mladog čoveka stvara haotičnost i neorganizovanost. Cilj ovog rada prestavlja potrebu da se takve negativnosti svedu na minimum razvojem i primenom novih tehnologija, naročito softvera koji bi olakšali đačku svakodnevicu. U radu će biti predstavljen softver koji zamenjuje papire i cedulje na kojima učenici zapisuju rasporede časova, planove rada predmeta koji pohađaju, ocene koje su dobili, računaju prosečne ocene i uspeh koji imaju i dr.
Sve to je u aplikaciji „Učenički dnevnik“ planirano da bude na jednom mestu na dohvat ruke.
- apstrakt priloženog rada

Ovaj softver je završen tokom 2019. godine. Izrađen je za potrebe takmičenja Regionalnog Centra za Talente - Beograd.

Ovaj projekat je nagrađen Specijalnom Diplomom za Najbolji Projekat Takmičenja.

U ovom skladištu možete preuzeti rad koji detaljno opisuje ovaj program. Nalaze se dva fajla: jedan na engleskom, drugi na srpskom, na ćirilici.

Za sva ostala pitanja stojim na raspolaganju na emailu koji se nalazi na mom GitHub profilu.


The goal of this program is to simplify a students day with an efficient software solution, to make the many small notes on which students record their timetables, work tasks, received grades, calculated grade point averages, etc. obsolete.







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