Nickname is a quick way to generate a list of common alternate names for English names. This gem generates a Nickname model, and populates it with data from via a Rake task
This can be used in congunction with searches to match person records. See the Usage section below for integration tips
In your Gemfile, include the following line:
gem 'Nickname', :git => 'git://'
Bundle your gems in your project
bundle install
And finally, run the tasks associated with the gem
rails generate nickname rake db:migrate rake nicknames:populate
This will generate the Nickname model and migration, run the migration, and fetch and parse the nicknames data.
Nicknames can be found from a string by calling the Nickname#for method:
Nickname.for('Bill').map(&:name) # => ["william", "bill", "bud", "will", "willie", "willis", "bill", "willy"]
This can in turn be used to generate a query for all person records matching the original name, or the nickname. This query might look like:
Person.where(["LOWER(first_name) IN (?)", Nickname.for('bill').map(&:name).push('bill')]) Person.where(["LOWER(first_name) IN (?)", Nickname.for('justin').map(&:name).push('justin')]) # Justin has no nicknames
I am lowercasing the first name field to ensure that there is a case insensitive match
I am pushing the actual name on the end of the nickname method, in the event that there are no nicknames, or alternate names for the name specified
While nickname, and alternate name matching are a good start to making your query results linquistically aware, these should be used in conjunction with other database search capabilities. Specifically, fuzzy matching is a powerful compliment to nickname matching. Check out the pg_search gem for a quick start to integrating this capability into your Rails application.
To create a powerful search algorithm, apply a search term to multiple algorithms and return a list of the results in a particular ranking. The nicknames table could, and probably should be used in conjunction with other search abilities. PostgreSQL’s fuzzy matching is discussed in brief below
Debian installations of PostgreSQL can be found at /usr/share/postgres/
Run the fuzzystrmatch.sql against your database by issuing a command similar to:
sudo su postgres -c “psql fs_development -f /usr/share/postgresql/8.4/contrib/fuzzystrmatch.sql”
In a PostgreSQL console, issue the following command:
This should return a list of functions that are available to your database. These functions should include the following:
List of functions Schema | Name | Result data type | Argument data types | Type --------+----------------+------------------+---------------------------------------+-------- public | difference | integer | text, text | normal public | dmetaphone | text | text | normal public | dmetaphone_alt | text | text | normal public | levenshtein | integer | text, text | normal public | levenshtein | integer | text, text, integer, integer, integer | normal public | metaphone | text | text, integer | normal public | soundex | text | text | normal public | text_soundex | text | text | normal
Search using Levenshtein:
Person.where("levenshtein(LOWER(first_name), 'wiliam') < 2") # => [#<Person first_name: "William"...]
The Levenshtein function takes an integer which is the number of changes needed to convert the source word into the target word
Note that the Levenshtein algorithm is case sensitive, so I ensure that we are operating on the same case by using LOWER()
Levenshtein is particularly good at matching slight spelling variations, or input typos
Search using Difference (Soundex algorithm)
Person.where("difference(first_name, 'Willem') > 2") # => [#<Person first_name: "William"...]
The difference function takes a parameter which must be an integer between 0 and 4. This integer is the similarity of the words, 0 being least similar, and 4 being most similar
The soundex algorithm has been deprecated in favor of metaphone, and dmetaphone to address limitations with non-English names. Nevertheless it remains synonymous with phonetic searching
Search using Metaphone
Person.where("metaphone(first_name, 2) = metaphone('Willem', 2)") # => [#<Person first_name: "William"...]
Metaphone makes improvements on the Soundex algorithm, and takes a parameter which is an integer of the amount of similarity between the two words
Search using DMetaphone (Double Metaphone)
Person.where("dmetaphone(first_name) = dmetaphone('Willem')") # => [#<Person first_name: "William"...]
While this list is not comprehensive of the text linguistically aware text searching capabilities of a given database, it should help when getting started. Look at the official PostgreSQL documentation below for further information on Fuzzy matching.