A Machine Learning system that can detect facial emotions on human faces.
Implement a CNN model to detect facial emotions on human faces.
- Install all project dependecies using pip command
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Step 1: Sign up for Kaggle.
- Step 2: Get Kaggle API credentials.
- Go to "Account Setting".
- Scroll down to the section labeled "API" and click on the "Create New API Token" button.
- This will download a file named "kaggle.json" containing your API credentials.
- Keep "kaggle.json" in "~/.kaggle/" to be able to use Kaggle API.
- Step 3: Download the dataset using Kaggle API.
kaggle datasets download -d msambare/fer2013
- Step 4: Unzip the dataset.
unzip fer2013.zip
- Step 5: Combine the "test" and "train" folders into a folder called "datasets"
- Install all project dependecies using pip command
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Step 1: Choose the device to run the model
- Type
to see all available GPUs in the CS machine. - Choose the one that is not being used by other processes.
- Type
- Step 2: Run the following command to train the model. Notice we only support one of these four models: VGG11, VGG13, VGG16 and VGG19.
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES = <gpu_number> python3 train.py --model <model_name> --num-epochs <number of epochs>
- Step 3: After the training, the model will save its checkpoint inside the
folder and the accuracy vs loss plot under the nameacc_and_loss_<model_name>.png
Contributors names and contact info
- Bao Nguyen (btn6364@rit.edu)
- Neha Kulkarni (nk4349@rit.edu)