A simple app to allow friends to vote on different options for what to play. Built with a React + Typescript frontend, Node + Typescript + Mongo backend
Bootstrapped with create-react-app. You can learn more in the Create React App documentation
Using the Stellar theme from HTML5 UP by @ajlkn
Packages used in the backend and the frontend are managed separately via two separate package.json files using yarn. Package installation needs to happen twice, once for each, before running
git clone git@github.com:btouellette/what-should-we-play.git
cd what-should-we-play
yarn install
cd react-ui
yarn install
Run the React UI in development mode. Will open http://localhost:3000 in your browser with hot reload enabled
Run the Node backend in development mode using nodemon to watch for updates to Typescript files for hot reload
Uses concurrently to run both dev-client and dev-server simultaneously via ./bootstrap.ts
which is set up to cleanly exit both processes when killed
Builds both Node backend and React UI frontend for deployment or testing against production version
Starts Node server from production build. yarn build
must be run first
Run front-end tests on the React UI configured in *.test.tsx files
The backend package.json is set up with a Heroku postbuild script to automatically build both the front and backend after pushing the repo to Heroku