- Java 8
- Maven
- Docker
This application is a digit recognizer running on Spark 1.5.0 or more. Input data sets come from Kaggle and represent pixels of digit images. In order to correctly predict digits, I use a Multilayer perceptron classifier.
First, go to spark-job directory and build Spark recognizer using Maven:
mvn clean package
If you run the application for the first time, you need to build cluster's Docker images:
Then, start the Hadoop cluster with:
Once the cluster running, you will run bash shell in master container. The next steps will run in master container.
Compute the model:
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit --class com.zenika.digit_recognizer.RecognizerComputation /recognizer/digit_recognizer-0.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar file:/data/train.csv /data/model
Recognizer digit from test file using:
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit --class com.zenika.digit_recognizer.RecognizerPrediction /recognizer/digit_recognizer-0.0.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar /data/model file:/data/test.csv /images/
Coming soon
A small Vert.x/React application will allow you to easily visualize your results. Go to server directory and package the application using Maven:
mvn package
It should produce a fat jar. Execute it:
java -jar target/digit-recognizer-0.0.0-fat.jar
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