!!! If you are looking for updates go to this site (or download files from github as RAW) !!! http://vps.skybean.eu/repo/updates/
I want to ...
- ... update SkyDrop firmware
- ... configure SkyDrop via configurator
- ... report bug/suggest feature/ask for help
- ... see what features are implemented in lastest release
- ... look for solution to my problem
- ... see what features will be implemented in next release
- ... browse issues
- Search issues before posting new bug report/feature request
- Post Debug.log with the problem (in Debug first Enable debug.log, Clear the log and then recreate the issue)
- Tell us what was the trigger of the bug (opening menu, landing, certain settings)
SkyDrop vario source code
Bootloader inside the devices
Official firmware updates
We are standing on shoulders these giants:
FatFs - (C)ChaN (http://elm-chan.org/fsw/ff/00index_e.html)
LUFA - (C)Dean Camera (www.lufa-lib.org)
Kalman filter - (C)Alistair Dickie (https://github.com/alistairdickie/BlueFlyVario_Android)
Intel HEX file format reader and converter - (C)Alexander Belchenko (bialix@ukr.net)
CParser.py - (C)Luke Campagnola
Angular.js (angular, angular-animate, angular-route) - (C)Google (https://angularjs.org/)
app/bower_components/angular, app/bower_components/angular-animate, app/bower_components/angular-route,
jQuery - (C) The jQuery Foundation (https://jquery.com/)
UI Bootstrap - (C) Angular-UI team (https://angular-ui.github.io/bootstrap/)
Bootstrap - (C) Mark Otto, Jacob Thornton, https://github.com/orgs/twbs/people (http://getbootstrap.com/)
Angular Chart - (C) Jerome Touffe-Blin (http://jtblin.github.io/angular-chart.js/)
Chart.js - (C) Nick Downie (http://www.chartjs.org/)
seiyria-bootstrap-slider, angular-bootstrap-slider - (C) Kyle J. Kemp (https://github.com/seiyria)
app/bower_components/seiyria-bootstrap-slider, app/bower_components/angular-bootstrap-slider
FileSaver.js - (C) Teleborder, Inc (https://github.com/Teleborder)
angular-ui-switch - (C) Kristijan Sedlak (https://github.com/xpepermint)
Tools we are using:
Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Developers
AVR Eclipse plugin
PyDev Eclipse plugin
AVR GCC Toolchain 7.2.0
- Open & build project in Eclipse IDE (a directory Release should appear)
- cd skydrop/Release
- Run ../utils/build/pre_build.sh
- make
- Run ../utils/build/post_build.sh and you can see message *** POST BUILD DONE ***, if everything went good
- Copy UPDATE.FW and UPDATE.EE from Release dir to root directory on skydrop SD
- --- OR ---
- Copy SKYDROP.FW from Release dir to root directory on skydrop SD
All datasheets needed for development can be found in doc directory
$ hcitool scan
Scanning ...
00:13:43:0E:F5:1E SkyDrop SPP
$ sdptool records 00:13:43:0E:F5:1E
Service Name: Serial Port
Service RecHandle: 0x10000
Service Class ID List:
"Serial Port" (0x1101)
Protocol Descriptor List:
"L2CAP" (0x0100)
"RFCOMM" (0x0003)
Channel: 5
$ sudo rfcomm connect 0 00:13:43:0E:F5:1E 5
Connected /dev/rfcomm0 to 00:13:43:0E:F5:1E on channel 5
Press CTRL-C for hangup