Buffer's Facebook PHP API wrapper
Our FB API wrapper library provides helpful utility methods to work with FB Graph API.
Methods supported in the wrapper:
getPageInsightsMetricsData($pageId, $insightsMetrics, $since, $until)
getPagePostGraphMetricsData($pageId, $postId, $metrics)
getPageBatchPostsGraphMetricsData($postIds, $metrics)
getPagePostInsightsMetricData($pageId, $postId, $insightsMetrics)
getPageBatchPostsInsightsMetricData($postIds, $insightsMetrics)
getPagePosts($pageId, $since, $until, $limit = 100)
This package requires PHP 5.6 or higher.
Open your composer.json file and add the new required package.
"bufferapp/facebook-api-wrapper": "^1.0.0"
Next, open a terminal and run.
composer update
Now you can reference the wrapper anywhere as use Buffer\Facebook\Facebook;
Before running the tests make sure you have installed all the dependancies with
composer install
The tests can be executed by using this command from the base directory:
bin/phpunit -c phpunit.xml --bootstrap vendor/autoload.php
You're welcome to contribute to this repo.
If you found a bug then please go ahead and open a GitHub issue, and we'll try to fix it as soon as possible.