This tool was created using only HTML, CSS and Vanilla JS.
This project is part of The Odin Project's curriculum to become a Full Stack Developer!
The style is pretty basic but functional, I aimed to make it look clean.
🔗 Live preview: here
📖 Repo: here
- JS
- VS Code
- Git & GitHub + Mac Terminal
- ESLint + npm to manage the project, and enforce JS syntax and style
- Improved Javascript fundamentals:
- Digged deepeer into HTML5collections, nodelists, arrays.
- Deepened knoweledge about Event listeners and how to nest them (and reset them).
- Used string manipulation to darken incrementally the color of cells when hovering: a lot of meditation for that!!
- Learned how cleaner and simpler are Event delegations instead of looping (tho, it wasn't usable in my project)
- Improved by ability to look into documentation and search with on spot questions (and answers)
- Mastered configuration of ESLint + Prettier (the latter, I chose not to use in the end).
- Started using npm to initialize project.
- Deepened Git knowledge about revert, reset, stash, working directory, and VScode interface about them: very useful in times of debugging. 😄
- I wish to improve my knowledge in responsiveness and correct usage of length units to achieve that (vw, rem, em)
🗿 buondevid --> GitHub