1-bit music for the TRS80 model 4 computer. Converted to run on the model 4 from the ZX Specrtrum 1-bit music scene. Use PASMO and SJASMPLUS assemblers where required. Note: All audio is sent to the cassette port. Connect up an amplified speaker to the cassette port/jack/socket. Credits to the original creators: Shiru, Utz, Tim Follin, and others.
.WAV, .CAS, .CMD files included. Tested in the 'TRS80GP' emulator. Not tested on real hardware.
Details for 1-bit music on TRS80 via cassette port:
ORG $6000
Cassette port hangs off Bits 0 and 1 on port 255.
Output: Bits 0-1: 00=0.85 Volts, 10=0.0 Volts, 01 = 0.46 Volts (effectively could have three volume levels / 3 bit audio)
So... spit out alternate values $00 and $02 to OUT ($FF)
DISK1.DSK contains the first 25 music tunes.
DISK2.DSK contains five octodeXl tunes.
TRITONE.DSK contains all ~30 tritone tunes.
Sub-directory '_INTERNAL_SPEAKER' contains engine players and music tunes that have since been converted to run on physical hardware with the audio being played out to the internal speaker on Port $90.