A Latex template for a PhD thesis at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies at the University of Tasmania.
This template is a slightly modified version provided by
Please, check the link for help setting up the template.
Change I performed are
- adaptation for IMAS requirements
- adding an acronym file
- adding a layout for a co-authorship page
- changes to the layout / adding an empty page after the title page
Quick overview on the template:
The three files thesis_ex.tex, imasphdthesis.sty, and prelude.tex are important for the overall layout.
- main file in which you specifiy which files to include
- to change the layout of the thesis (e.g. margins)
- add information for title page
- add abstract text
- add acknowledgements
- add info on co-autorship (if applicable)
The actual thesis text is to be written in the chapter files (chap1.tex, etc).
Happy writing!