Develop c# code faster by generating .NET specific boilerplate code using reflection on assemblies. Available a console or wpf application.
- Generate specflow tables for classes
- Generate fake constructor for unit-test class
- Generate composer for strategies by interface
- Generate mapper for two classes
- Generate builder for class using builder pattern
Further documentation can be found here: Wiki
- Framework:
- Icons:
- AsyncAwaitBestPractices.MVVM:
- Jab:
- Spectre.Console:
- Serilog:
- Nito.AsyncEx.Context:
- Humanizer.Core
- Make sure that you have installed ".NET 6.0 Desktop Runtime". If not, download it from Microsoft.
⚠️ Information: Windows Defender
Windows Defender blocks execution of the exe. The application needs permission. Right-click the exe and select properties. Then enable/allow execution.
- Download wpf or console application zip from releases
- Extract zip
- Start the .exe
- Change configuration in settings
- Download wpf msi installer from releases
- Click the msi installer
- Walk through the installation pages
- Search with window search for TypeCode
- Start the app
- Change configuration in settings
- Clone the git repository
- Change the "localPackages" path in the nuget.config
- {Token}: Z2hwX1hybmFLaVIyTm1zaGVWRVpqMjVLbHZsNTBjdldKYjMzQ2hPeQ== -> Convert Base64 back to Text First
- Execute: dotnet nuget add source --username byCrookie --password {Token} --name byCrookie_Github --store-password-in-clear-text
All contributions are welcome! If you have any issues or feature requests, either implement it yourself or create an issue, thank you.
If you like this project, feel free to donate and support further development. Thank you.
- Bitcoin (BTC) Donations using Bitcoin (BTC) Network -> bc1qygqya2w3hgpvy8hupctfkv5x06l69ydq4su2e2
- Ethereum (ETH) Donations using Ethereum (ETH) Network -> 0x1C0416cC1DDaAEEb3017D4b8Dcd3f0B82f4d94C1