emoji prefix commit message generator 😎
option | commit message | English description | Japanese description |
create | 🌱create: your_commit_message |
create a new file | 新規ファイル作成 |
feat | ✨feat: your_commit_message |
A new feature | 新しい機能 |
fix | 🐛fix: your_commit_message |
A bug fix | バグの修正 |
docs | 📝docs: your_commit_message |
Documentation only changes | ドキュメントのみの変更 |
style | 💄style: your_commit_message |
Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc) | 空白、フォーマット、セミコロン追加など |
refactor | ♻️refactor: your_commit_message |
A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature | 仕様に影響がないコード改善 |
perf | ⚡️perf: your_commit_message |
A code change that improves performance | パフォーマンス向上のコード改善 |
test | 🚨test: your_commit_message |
Adding missing or correcting existing tests | テスト追加、修正 |
chore | 🔧chore: your_commit_message |
Changes to the build process or auxiliary tools and libraries such as documentation generation | ビルド、補助ツール、ライブラリ関連 |
none | your_commit_message |
No prefix | 接頭辞なしでコミット |
$ gitcm feat "add new feature"
If you use Windows , you have to use -DWIN option at compile time.
$ git clone https://github.com/shebang-sh/gitcm.git
$ cd gitcm
# For UNIX like OS
$ gcc gitcm.c -o gitcm
$ mkdir -p $HOME/.local/bin
$ cp gitcm $HOME/.local/bin/gitcm
$ echo '\nalias gitcm=$HOME/.local/bin/gitcm' >> $HOME/.zshrc # or .bashrc
$ source $HOME/.zshrc # or .bashrc
# For Windows
$ gcc gitcm.c -o gitcm.exe -DWIN # for Windows
$ mkdir -p $HOME\local\bin
$ Copy-Item -Path .\gitcm.exe -Destination "$HOME\local\bin\gitcm.exe"
$ echo '`r`nSet-Alias gitcm "$HOME\local\bin\gitcm.exe"' >> $profile
$ . $profile