just a little thingy to learn about the api i will have to worth with at work made in NodeJS and VSCode
you will have to install their API
npm install @pjbank/pjbank-js-sdk
PJBank HTTP Method (Recommended)
const sandbox = true;
const credencial = '6c2fd46e02666dccb3333d223eb4bcb874806101';
const chaveconta = '9e3100d941fc7096560a1c963e3cde7526eb0062';
const operacao = `/contadigital/${credencial}/`;
PJBank SDK Method
const PJBankSDK = require('@pjbank/pjbank-sdk-js');
const credencial = "d3418668b85cea70aa28965eafaf927cd34d004c";
const chave = "ef947cf5867488f744b82744dd3a8fc4852e529f";
const PJBank = new PJBankSDK(credencial, chave);