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Pykube (new-pykube) is a lightweight Python 3.6+ client library for Kubernetes.

This is a fork of pykube-ng which is no longer maintained.


  • HTTP interface using requests using kubeconfig for authentication
  • Python native querying of Kubernetes API objects


To install pykube, use pip:

pip install new-pykube

Interactive Console

The pykube library module can be run as an interactive console locally for quick exploration. It will automatically load ~/.kube/config to provide the api object, and it loads pykube classes (Deployment, Pod, ..) into local context:

python3 -m pykube
>>> [ for d in Deployment.objects(api)]


Query for all ready pods in a custom namespace:

import operator
import pykube

api = pykube.HTTPClient(pykube.KubeConfig.from_file())
pods = pykube.Pod.objects(api).filter(namespace="gondor-system")
ready_pods = filter(operator.attrgetter("ready"), pods)

Access any attribute of the Kubernetes object:

pod = pykube.Pod.objects(api).filter(namespace="gondor-system").get(name="my-pod")

Selector query:

pods = pykube.Pod.objects(api).filter(
    selector={"": {"api-web", "api-worker"}},
pending_pods = pykube.objects.Pod.objects(api).filter(
    field_selector={"status.phase": "Pending"}

Watch query:

watch = pykube.Job.objects(api, namespace="gondor-system")
watch = watch.filter(field_selector={"": "my-job"}).watch()

# watch is a generator:
for watch_event in watch:
    print(watch_event.type) # 'ADDED', 'DELETED', 'MODIFIED'
    print(watch_event.object) # pykube.Job object

Create a Deployment:

obj = {
    "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
    "kind": "Deployment",
    "metadata": {
        "name": "my-deploy",
        "namespace": "gondor-system"
    "spec": {
        "replicas": 3,
        "selector": {
            "matchLabels": {
                "app": "nginx"
        "template": {
            "metadata": {
                "labels": {
                    "app": "nginx"
            "spec": {
                "containers": [
                        "name": "nginx",
                        "image": "nginx",
                        "ports": [
                            {"containerPort": 80}
pykube.Deployment(api, obj).create()

Delete a Deployment:

obj = {
    "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
    "kind": "Deployment",
    "metadata": {
        "name": "my-deploy",
        "namespace": "gondor-system"
pykube.Deployment(api, obj).delete()

Check server version:

api = pykube.HTTPClient(pykube.KubeConfig.from_file())


  • Python 3.6+
  • requests (included in install_requires)
  • PyYAML (included in install_requires)

Local Development

You can run pykube against your current kubeconfig context, e.g. local Minikube:

poetry install
poetry run python3
>>> import pykube
>>> config = pykube.KubeConfig.from_file()
>>> api = pykube.HTTPClient(config)
>>> list(pykube.Deployment.objects(api))

To run PEP8 (flake8) checks and unit tests including coverage report:

make test


The code in this project is licensed under the Apache License, version 2.0


Easiest way to contribute is to provide feedback! We would love to hear what you like and what you think is missing. Create an issue and we will take a look. PRs are welcome.

Code of Conduct

In order to foster a kind, inclusive, and harassment-free community, this project follows the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct.


Thanks to pykube-ng project authored by Henning Jacobs.