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Releases: caelum/mamute


09 Sep 22:51
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06 Sep 18:44
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Change Log


16 Sep 20:46
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2014-09-16 - Leonardo Wolter -> updating quartzjob
2014-09-16 - Leonardo Wolter -> fixing t
2014-09-16 - Leonardo Wolter -> removing last fmt:message
2014-09-16 - Leonardo Wolter -> new version of routes and i18n
2014-09-16 - Leonardo Wolter -> priority instead of specializes
2014-09-16 - Leonardo Wolter -> if cause is null, print exception
2014-09-16 - Leonardo Wolter -> removing excludes from vraptor-i18n
2014-09-15 - Leonardo Wolter -> avoiding nullpointer for null parameters
2014-09-15 - [Francisco Sokol]( Sokol) -> updating vraptor-quartz
2014-09-12 - Leonardo Wolter -> fixing responsive bug
2014-09-12 - Leonardo Wolter -> we shouldnt append "Answers" the the instance name
2014-09-12 - Leonardo Wolter -> fixing signup exception
2014-09-12 - [Leonardo Wolter]( Cesar Wolter) -> Merge pull request #67 from caelum/filerev
2014-09-12 - [Fernanda Bernardo]( Bernardo) -> add filerev to append hash on css and js files
2014-09-11 - [Francisco Sokol]( Sokol) -> throwing exception in case the system doesn't support signup
2014-09-11 - [Fernanda Bernardo]( Bernardo) -> refactoring gruntfile
2014-09-10 - Leonardo Wolter -> mvn-package on the right folder
2014-09-10 - [Leonardo Wolter]( Cesar Wolter) -> Merge pull request #64 from caelum/changingToLESS
2014-09-10 - [Leonardo Wolter]( Cesar Wolter) -> Merge pull request #63 from caelum/customizable-sanitizer
2014-09-10 - Leonardo Wolter -> refactoring sanitizer and "unit" test
2014-09-10 - [Fernanda Bernardo]( Bernardo) -> minifying js and resolving small problens
2014-09-10 - [Fernanda Bernardo]( Bernardo) -> merging again
2014-09-10 - [Fernanda Bernardo]( Bernardo) -> merging with master
2014-09-10 - [Fernanda Bernardo]( Bernardo) -> script to do mvn package
2014-09-10 - Leonardo Wolter -> @csokol review
2014-09-10 - [Fernanda Bernardo]( Bernardo) -> grunt build running on mvn package
2014-09-10 - [Fernanda Bernardo]( Bernardo) -> adding .tmp/ to gitignore
2014-09-10 - [Fernanda Bernardo]( Bernardo) -> concat css files with grunt
2014-09-10 - Leonardo Wolter -> merging master
2014-09-10 - Leonardo Wolter -> little refactor and fixing order by
2014-09-10 - [Marco Salles]( Salles) -> Delete .travis-old.yml
2014-09-10 - csokol -> Merge pull request #58 from monitorjbl/ldap-refactor
2014-09-10 - Leonardo Wolter -> probably no need to hashCode and equals
2014-09-10 - Leonardo Wolter -> better factory method names
2014-09-10 - Leonardo Wolter -> markedtext should store marked and pure text
2014-09-09 - Leonardo Wolter -> excluding all innerclasses
2014-09-09 - Leonardo Wolter -> trying to fix treemap(for now)
2014-09-09 - Leonardo Wolter -> fixing question test (how did it pass before?)
2014-09-09 - Leonardo Wolter -> fixing HtmlSanitizer tests
2014-09-09 - Leonardo Wolter -> converters for vraptor
2014-09-09 - Leonardo Wolter -> SanitizedText without markdown
2014-09-09 - Leonardo Wolter -> fixing htmlattribute search for key
2014-09-09 - Leonardo Wolter -> starting safer strategy for sanitizing
2014-09-09 - Leonardo Wolter -> making sanitizer customizable
2014-09-08 - [Taylor Jones]( Jones) -> cleaning up configuration options
2014-09-08 - [Taylor Jones]( Jones) -> updating login to work with 18n
2014-09-08 - [Taylor Jones]( Jones) -> refactoring auth code as part of #44
2014-09-08 - Leonardo Wolter -> fixing update template
2014-09-08 - Leonardo Wolter -> following redirect and using bash
2014-09-08 - [Francisco Sokol]( Sokol) -> extracting method from test case
2014-09-08 - csokol -> Merge pull request #59 from monitorjbl/multi-test-database
2014-09-08 - Leonardo Wolter -> empty properties(do what you want with them
2014-09-08 - Leonardo Wolter -> should be always the last version
2014-09-08 - Leonardo Wolter -> stop trying to access directly
2014-09-08 - [Fernanda Bernardo]( Bernardo) -> fixing responsive bug
2014-09-08 - [Fernanda Bernardo]( Bernardo) -> removing mamute-responsive.less
2014-09-06 - [Taylor Jones]( Jones) -> updating several DAO methods to use pure HQL (#36)
2014-09-06 - Leonardo Wolter -> now its easier to override mamutes default messages. Closes #29
2014-09-05 - Leonardo Wolter -> fixing some regex mistakes
2014-09-05 - Leonardo Wolter -> resolving el-api conflict
2014-09-05 - Leonardo Wolter -> fixing varargs and some els
2014-09-05 - Leonardo Wolter -> using juel as el implementation
2014-09-05 - Leonardo Wolter -> using vraptor-i18n
2014-09-05 - [Fernanda Bernardo]( Bernardo) -> removing mamute.less
2014-09-05 - [Fernanda Bernardo]( Bernardo) -> refactoring css classes
2014-09-05 - [Fernanda Bernardo]( Bernardo) -> removing suggestion accepted message
2014-09-05 - [Fernanda Bernardo]...

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01 Jul 16:10
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  • 10 weeks ago - adding google login
  • 10 weeks ago - add redirect to current page on login
  • 10 weeks ago - add method login verification
  • 10 weeks ago - fixing versioning issues
  • 10 weeks ago - removing heroku database stuff and reading db config from environment variables
  • 10 weeks ago - reading env properties from environment
  • 10 weeks ago - improving readme
  • 10 weeks ago - improving readme
  • 10 weeks ago - updating version number
  • 10 weeks ago - google plus button with design
  • 10 weeks ago - change to oauth 2
  • 10 weeks ago - refactoring google login
  • 10 weeks ago - updating selenium
  • 9 weeks ago - script to get version from pom
  • 9 weeks ago - updating version to release
  • 9 weeks ago - translation of some js validations
  • 9 weeks ago - removing amazon dependency
  • 9 weeks ago - translated all js validations
  • 8 weeks ago - fixing google image
  • 8 weeks ago - Included comments for some mamute properties
  • 8 weeks ago - Removed unused property (tags.splitter.char). It was replaced to tags.splitter.regex
  • 8 weeks ago - Included comments for some mamute properties
  • 8 weeks ago - Revert commit #02b237c Included property tags.splitter.char - Bad removal of property {tags.splitter.char}. It is used in question*Form .jsp.
  • 8 weeks ago - included gitignore folders for IntellijIDE. /idea and mamute.iml are now ignored
  • 8 weeks ago - Documented tags.splitter properties for better understanding.
  • 8 weeks ago - Improved documentation for VRaptor configs. Included URL plugins
  • 8 weeks ago - Merge pull request #11 from matheusmessora/issue4
  • 8 weeks ago - initializing RSS items to avoid nullpointer
  • 8 weeks ago - moving jobs to better package
  • 8 weeks ago - fixing next relase version
  • 8 weeks ago - updating vraptor-quartzjob
  • 8 weeks ago - documenting jobs key
  • 8 weeks ago - fixing quartzjob version
  • 7 weeks ago - \- Included in the correct mapping
  • 7 weeks ago - Corrected URI {sluggedName}/reputation
  • 7 weeks ago - Merge pull request #20 from matheusmessora/issue14
  • 7 weeks ago - removing keys from properties
  • 7 weeks ago - removing empty class
  • 7 weeks ago - adding feature toggle to facebook and google plus login
  • 7 weeks ago - fixing code pattern
  • 7 weeks ago - fixing css
  • 7 weeks ago - updating readme with new question o meta
  • 7 weeks ago - fixing c3p0 version
  • 7 weeks ago - fixing order-by script
  • 7 weeks ago - updating brutauth
  • 7 weeks ago - fixing a nonsense readme sentence
  • 6 weeks ago - ModeratorOnlyRule to HibernateStatistics
  • 6 weeks ago - Merge pull request #24 from erickrar/master
  • 6 weeks ago - fixing notification emial title
  • 6 weeks ago - vagrant configs
  • 5 weeks ago - Removing unused js functions
  • 5 weeks ago - Creating the logic to take all messages and make it disponible by js object Messages. All messages from properties will be kept in browser Storage
  • 5 weeks ago - Replacing all places that use MESSAGES to use the Messages.get object
  • 5 weeks ago - Updating from localStorage to sessionStorage
  • 5 weeks ago - Separating logic from the controller as requested by @csokol
  • 5 weeks ago - Corrections after code review. Removing keys js attribute and storing messages directily in sessionStorage
  • 5 weeks ago - Merge pull request #31 from paulojribp/master
  • 5 weeks ago - updating from master
  • 5 weeks ago - refactoring everything
  • 5 weeks ago - refactoring google controller
  • 5 weeks ago - delete route
  • 5 weeks ago - Merge pull request #21 from caelum/googlePlusLogin
  • 3 weeks ago - fixing up and down vote uri
  • 3 weeks ago - Reportar is better than Marcar [fix issue ht...
  • Read more


    06 May 21:50
    Choose a tag to compare
    translated all js validations

    Initial release

    24 Apr 21:03
    Choose a tag to compare
    Initial release Pre-release

    Initial release of mamute!