A simple Pokedex application built with Vue.js and Vite.
I made this project as a way to learn about API calls and other JavaScript related concepts, also to learn Vue.js!
- Search for Pokémon by name
- View detailed information about each Pokémon
- Pagination to navigate through the list of Pokémon
- Modal to display Pokémon details
- ✅Light and Dark Modes
- ⬜ Proper Styles and UI Design
- ⬜ Offline Mode
- ⬜ Language Selection with i18n (English and Portuguese)
- ⬜ Enhanced Mobile Experience
- ⬜ Better Search System
- ⬜ Better Pagination Framework
- ⬜ Better Light/Dark Theme Handling
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript
- Vue.js
- PokeAPI