The inner inference mechanism of the Tsetlin Machine ( is modified so that input patterns are transformed into a single continuous output, rather than to distinct categories.
This is achieved by:
- Using the conjunctive clauses of the Tsetlin Machine to capture arbitrarily complex patterns;
- Mapping these patterns to a continuous output through a novel voting and normalization mechanism; and
- Employing a feedback scheme that updates the Tsetlin Machine clauses to minimize the regression error.
Further details can be found in
Six datasets have been given in order to study the behaviour of the Regression Tsetlin Machine.
- Dataset I contains 2-bit feature input and the output is 100 times larger than the decimal value of the binary input (e.g., when the input is [1, 0], the output is 200). The training set consists of 8000 samples while testing set consists of 2000 samples, both without noise
- Dataset II contains the same data as Dataset I, except that the output of the training data is perturbed to introduce noise
- Dataset III has 3-bit input without noise
- Dataset IV has 3-bit input with noise
- Dataset V has 4-bit input without noise
- Dataset VI has 4-bit input with noise
Different datasets can be loaded by changing the following line in
df = np.loadtxt("2inNoNoise.txt").astype(dtype=np.float32)
The training error variation for each dataset with different number of clauses can be seen in the following figure.
Datasets without noise can be perfectly learned with a small number of clauses
Average Absolute Error on Training Data: 0.0
Average Absolute Error on Test Data: 0.0
Training and testing error for noisy data can be reduced by increasing the number of clauses and training rounds.