CAIRO Lab's forked version of the CollisionIK software developed by Daniel Rakita and colleagues at UW.
Cairo Lab's Motion Planning Core software built in Rust for use in constrained motion planning and per-pose optimization.
This is a repository containts Rust source code (with a Python interface using PyO3) that provides functionality for per-pose optimization (RelaxedIK/CollisionIK) as well as Task Space Region / Sequential Manifold Planning pose optimization
Location of all the source code.
Rust source code.
Contains the code for the Python interface built using PyO3.
Make sure you have Rust compiled onto your computer otherwise this package will fail to install. This package is built as an locally installable Python package.
In a virtual environment:
pip3 install <path_to_this_package>
And in your python code:
from cairo_planning_core import Agent
Agent is the maing interface class.
self.agent = Agent(settings_fp, False, False)
settings_fp is the filepath location to the .yaml settings file of your designs. As an example see data/config/settings.yaml. For more information about this file refer to the RelaxedIK Core library for how this information is used.
Please contact Carl Mueller - for any help or if anything does not work properly.
If you see an obvious fix, want to add anything, please feel free to do a pull request.