Enectiva web is using Hugo https://gohugo.io/. In this site, we can view how to use Hugo: https://gohugo.io/overview/usage/
Actually, we are using Hugo v0.15
We must open command line
Windows key
-> Search cmd and press enter. If we have our web in the root of hard disk, we must write into the black window
cd \
After, if our folder named enectiva_web
cd enectiva_web
To start the server, we must type
hugo server
To create a new post (We explain it below). If you can create a new post, please, close hugo server first.
hugo new
The command to do this is the next:
hugo new blog/XX/name-to-do.md
You must to change the "XX" to the languague what you can write the post (CS: Czech, ES: Spanish, EN: English, IT: Italian, FR: French, DE: German)
So if you want to create a new english post, you need to write:
hugo new blog/en/the-price-of-energy-data.md
When you have your empty file, you must go into the folder where you created the file.
- Open Content folder
- Open blog folder
- Open en folder
- Open your file, in this case he-price-of-energy-data.md with your favourite text editor (Don't use Windows Notepad! the file will show broken) Important! You never must write the date in the filename
When you create a new post, automatically is created a file with a header. This header has the following labels by default:
author: Enerfis
cs/de/fr/es/it/en: blog
date: 2016-05-23T11:15:34+02:00
- key
- words
schema: blog
slug: cs/de/fr/es/it/en
title: title of file
In "cs/de/fr/es/it/en: blog" and "slug" we must delete the label language that you don't use. So, if you want to create a new post in english:
author: Enerfis
en: blog
date: 2016-05-23T11:15:34+02:00
- key
- words
schema: blog
slug: en
title: title of file
If you can add keywords, you can use it just like that
author: Enerfis
en: blog
date: 2016-05-23T11:15:34+02:00
- enectiva
- energy
- monitoring
- meters
schema: blog
slug: en
title: title of file
This command will to concatenate all JavaScript/Coffe and SASS files in only one file with a fingerprint to simplify the web calls. If you don't execute this command, you won't have CSS or JavaScript in the webpage.
ruby generate.rb debug
This command will do the same than development and minify JavaScript and Css. ONLY when you generate production.
ruby generate.rb
If you have a file and you need it in root folder, you put the file in
When Hugo generates the site, all files inside static will be render in public's root
You must choose the language what you do create the new section and create the new item inside the folder.
It's important to add in header of new file the label schema. With this label, we define which will be the translation of the page.
When we are the new section created, we must add which are the translation for other languages
We must open.
The next text is an example how we write in the file
cs: o-enective
en: about-enectiva
fr: enectiva
es: acerca-de-enectiva
it: enectiva
de: ueber-enectiva
about means the name of schema when we created the section.
cs: o-enective
en: about-enectiva
fr: enectiva
es: acerca-de-enectiva
it: enectiva
de: ueber-enectiva
This is the URL to translate the page.
If we want to add a new subsection, we need to write all relative url
solutions school:
cs: reseni/verejne-budovy-skoly-knihovny
en: solutions/schools-libraries-and-other-public-buildings
fr: solutions/batiments-publics-ecoles-bibliotheques
es: soluciones/escuelas-bibliotecas-y-otros-edificios-publicos
it: soluzioni/scuole-biblioteche-e-altri-edifici-pubblici
de: loesung/oeffentliche-gebaeude-schulen-bibliotheken
When we had the page created, we must add into the menu. We have one file to define the menu and links.
This file is divided in four sections:
- Top: Is the menu under translation options
- Footer: Is the menu over footer
- Features: Is the menu to the new aspect of features page (en, fr, cs)
- Solution: Is the menu in the footer of subsections of solution.
If we want to add a new top item, we must go to the correct language and add a new block.
Name: O Enectivě
URL: /cs/o-enective
Weight: 10
- Cs is the language
- About is a name for the section
- Name is the name to show in the menu
- URL is the absolut url
- Weight Is the order to show the menu (asc)
Hugo v0.15