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Landmark Cover

Landmark Cover is a Python implementation of NeuMapper's landmark-based cover.

The LandmarkCover transformer was designed for use with KeplerMapper, but rather than dividing an extrinsic space (e.g., low-dimensional projection) into overlapping hypercubes, the landmark-based approach directly partitions data points into overlapping subsets based on their intrinsic distances from pre-selected landmark points.

Unlike KeplerMapper's CubicalCover, which scales exponentially with the dimensionality of the lens (i.e., O(n_cubes ** lens.shape[1])), LandmarkCover can be used to efficiently partition higher dimensional embeddings, or even the input data itself. Below we show examples using an entire pairwise geodesic distance matrix as a high dimensional lens.

Related Projects

  • NeuMapper is a scalable Mapper algorithm for neuroimaging data analysis. The Matlab implementation was designed specifically for working with complex, high-dimensional neuroimaging data and produces a shape graph representation that can be annotated with meta-information and further examined using network science tools.

  • Reciprocal Isomap is a reciprocal variant of Isomap for robust non-linear dimensionality reduction in Python. ReciprocalIsomap was inspired by scikit-learn's implementation of Isomap, but the reciprocal variant enforces shared connectivity in the underlying k-nearest neighbors graph (i.e., two points are only considered neighbors if each is a neighbor of the other).



Required Python Packages

Install using pip

Assuming you have the required dependencies, you should be able to install using pip.

pip install git+

Alternatively, you can also clone the repository and build from source.

git clone
cd landmark_cover

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .


LandmarkCover with a 2D lens

In the examples below, we look at a set of data points sampled from a trefoil knot. To generate this data, we use the make_trefoil tool provided by dyneusr. Note, dyneusr is otherwise not required to use the LandmarkCover.

from dyneusr.datasets import make_trefoil, draw_trefoil3d

# sample 100 points from a trefoil knot
trefoil = make_trefoil(100, noise=0.0)
X =

# visualize the data
draw_trefoil3d(X[:,0], X[:,1], X[:,2])

Here, we show a simple example using LandmarkCover with KeplerMapper.

from kmapper import KeplerMapper
from landmark_cover import LandmarkCover
from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering

# setup KeplerMapper object
mapper = KeplerMapper(verbose=1)

# run KeplerMapper using the LandmarkCover
graph =
    lens=X, X=X,
    cover=LandmarkCover(n_landmarks=30, perc_overlap=0.35, metric='euclidean'),
    clusterer=AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=3, linkage='single'),

# visualize the graph
html = mapper.visualize(graph, path_html=f'kmapper_landmark_cover.html')

LandmarkCover and higher dimensional lenses

Now, let's explore a high dimensional lens based on pairwise distances (i.e., since X is already low dimensional).

First, we can compute geodesic distances on a reciprocal neighbor graph using the reciprocal_isomap package. Note, in the example below, we aren't fitting the ReciprocalIsomap model, just using the internal _reciprocal_distances method to compute reciprocal geodesic distances.

from reciprocal_isomap import ReciprocalIsomap

# compute geodesic distances on a reciprocal neighbor graph
r_isomap = ReciprocalIsomap(n_neighbors=8, neighbors_mode='connectivity')
geodesic_distances = r_isomap._reciprocal_distances(X).toarray()

Now, let's use the geodesic distances as a lens for KeplerMapper.

import numpy as np 
from kmapper import KeplerMapper
from landmark_cover import LandmarkCover
from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering

# setup KeplerMapper object
mapper = KeplerMapper(verbose=1)

# run KeplerMapper using the LandmarkCover
graph =
    lens=geodesic_distances, X=X,
    cover=LandmarkCover(n_landmarks=30, perc_overlap=0.35, metric='precomputed'),
    clusterer=AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=3, linkage='single'),

# visualize the graph
html = mapper.visualize(graph, path_html=f'kmapper_landmark_cover_geodesic_lens.html')

Comparison with CubicalCover

Below, we compare graphs obtained using the CubicalCover and LandmarkCover.

CubicalCover with a 2D lens

from kmapper import KeplerMapper
from kmapper.cover import CubicalCover
from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering

# setup KeplerMapper object
mapper = KeplerMapper(verbose=1)

# create low dimensional lens 
lens = mapper.fit_transform(X, projection=[0,1])

# run KeplerMapper using the CubicalCover
graph =
    lens=lens, X=X,
    cover=CubicalCover(n_cubes=8, perc_overlap=0.67),
    clusterer=AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=2, linkage='single'),

# visualize the graph
html = mapper.visualize(graph, path_html=f'kmapper_cubical_cover.html')

LandmarkCover with geodesic distances

from kmapper import KeplerMapper
from landmark_cover import LandmarkCover
from sklearn.cluster import AgglomerativeClustering
from reciprocal_isomap import ReciprocalIsomap

# setup KeplerMapper object
mapper = KeplerMapper(verbose=1)

# compute geodesic distances on a reciprocal neighbor graph
r_isomap = ReciprocalIsomap(n_neighbors=8, neighbors_mode='connectivity')
geodesic_distances = r_isomap._reciprocal_distances(X).toarray()

# run KeplerMapper using the LandmarkCover
graph =
    lens=geodesic_distances, X=X,
    cover=LandmarkCover(n_landmarks=30, perc_overlap=0.35, metric='precomputed'),
    clusterer=AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=3, linkage='single'),

# visualize the graph
html = mapper.visualize(graph, path_html=f'kmapper_landmark_cover_geodesic_lens.html')


If you find Landmark Cover useful, please consider citing:

Geniesse, C., Chowdhury, S., & Saggar, M. (2022). NeuMapper: A Scalable Computational Framework for Multiscale Exploration of the Brain's Dynamical Organization. Network Neuroscience, Advance publication. doi:10.1162/netn_a_00229