Releases: calipho-sib/sparql-playground
Releases · calipho-sib/sparql-playground
Lausanne 8th November (doc)
Practical introduction to SPARQL for biologists and informaticians
Biocuration 2016
SPARQL Playground release for the Biocuration 2016 event in Geneva.
Uses latest SesameDB 2.8.7
Uses now the latest release of Sesame DB 2.8.7 (Does not use Sesame 4 yet since Java 8 is mandatory and many users don't have Java 8 installed yet)
Minor bugs related to responsive were fixed
Update SPARQL Sesame Engine
Updated to Sesame 2.8.6 SPARQL Engine.
SPARQL Playground with slides
Version with the slides of the presentation in BC2 included.
Minor changes:
- Cache can now be deactivated for development purpose with the JVM option:
- To store in a native repository instead of in memory add the JVM option: -Drepository.type=native
BC2 2015 Release
Release for the BC2 tutorial
Default, UniProt and neXtProt datasets sparql playground
Fixed version, where data reload works on all operating systems
http://localhost:8888 (default)
http://localhost:7777 (nextprot)
http://localhost:9999 (uniprot)
Uniprot dataset included
1.1.0 changing ports for uniprot
Release for workshop in SIB Geneva
1.0.0 Merge branch 'master' of…