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This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.


The deployed version of this app is available online → MyDentist.

To test the functionalities of this application you can use the following credentials:

password: 123456

Or by registering with your own email and password.

Getting Started

To get started clone this repo and install the dependencies in the root directory ↓

Install npm install
Run npm run dev

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

Layout and Tree

├── backend                            # BACKEND
│   ├── config                         # DB connection   
│   ├── controllers                    # Routes controllers
│   ├── data                           # Test data
│   ├── middleware
│   ├── models                         # DB models
│   ├── routes                         # API routes
│   ├── utils                          # JSON web token
│   ├── seeder.js                      # DB seeder
│   └── server.js                      # Server file
├── frontend                           # FRONTEND
│   ├── package.json
│   ├── package-lock.json
│   ├── public
│   └── src
│       ├── components                 # Reusable Components
│       ├── context                    # App Context (user & appointment info) 
│       ├── data                       # Time slots
│       ├── screens                    # App Screens
│       ├── styles                     # Material UI useStyles functions
│       ├── utils                      # Functions for API calls 
│       ├── App.css
│       ├── App.js
│       ├── index.css
│       └── index.js                  
├── .env                               # Config variables (Node env, port, DB string & JWT secret)
├── .gitignore
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
├── Procfile                           # HEROKU deployment


ES6 + Features

  • Arrow Functions
  • Template Literals
  • Destructuring Assignment
  • Block-Scoped Variables Let and Const
  • async await
  • Modules export/import
  • New Built-In Methods


  • react: UI library
  • react-router-dom: Browser Router, Route and Link components
  • react-calendar: Date picker for react app
  • nodejs: JS runtime for BE
  • express: NodeJS framework to create server
  • express-async-handler: To handle async operations to retrieve data from DB
  • mongoose: For database structuring with mongodb
  • bcryptjs: For hashing user passwords
  • jsonwebtoken: JWT implementation library
  • dotenv: Loads environment variables from a .env file into process.env
  • @sendgrid/mail: Twilio SendGrid NodeJS mail service
  • nodemon: To run server file on every new change
  • concurrently: To run both FE + BE server at the same time

Api Calls

  1. Post - Register User

  1. Post - Login User

  1. Post - Make Appointment

  1. Get - User Profile

  1. POST - Create Appointment

  1. POST - Appointment Confirmation Email

  1. GET - Get Appointment Details

  1. GET - Get User Appointment List

  1. PUT - Cancel Appointment

NOTE: Local Storage

JWT token for authentication is stored in the local storage of the browser and added to header of the request.
