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calvin-zcx committed Nov 3, 2023
1 parent 7d51eb9 commit a783e8d
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Showing 7 changed files with 384 additions and 49 deletions.
38 changes: 32 additions & 6 deletions iptw/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -935,6 +935,23 @@ def bar_plot_model_selection(cohort_dir_name, model, contrl_type='random', dump=
xlabels = df.loc[:, 'drug_name']
xlabels = [s[:18] for s in xlabels]

# add source data 2023-11-2
df_source_data = pd.DataFrame({'drug_name': xlabels,
'drug_name_full': df.loc[:, 'drug_name'],
'Success Rate by Validation AUC Select -Method 1': top_1,
'Success Rate by Validation Loss Select - Method 2': top_2,
'Success Rate by Our Selection Strategy': top_3,
r"P-value Welch's t-test between Method 1 and Our Strategy": df.loc[:,
r"P-value Welch's t-test between Method 2 and Our Strategy": df.loc[:,
r"P-value Welch's t-test between Method 1 and Method 2": df.loc[:, "p-succes-1-vs-2"]
check_and_mkdir(dirname + 'results/fig/')
df_source_data.to_csv(dirname + 'results/fig/balance_rate_barplot-{}-{}-SourceData.csv'.format(model, contrl_type))
return df_source_data

width = 0.3 # 0.45 # the width of the bars
ind = np.arange(N) * width * 4 # the x locations for the groups

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1253,10 +1270,19 @@ def arrow_plot_model_selection_unbalance_reduction(cohort_dir_name, model, contr

data[ith].append([drugname, before_mean, after_mean, change_mean])

data_df = []
for d in data:
appendix = [c1, c2, c3]
# for d in data:
for igroup, d in enumerate(data):
df = pd.DataFrame(d, columns=['subject', 'before', 'after', 'change'], index=range(len(d)))
check_and_mkdir(dirname + 'results/fig/')
df.to_csv(dirname + 'results/fig/arrow_nsmd_reduce-{}-{}-{}{}-{}.csv'.format(model, contrl_type, datapart,
'-log' if log else '',

# return data_df

if model == 'LSTM':
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 8))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2033,9 +2059,9 @@ def significance(val):

## 2023-6-29 revision val loss
cohort_dir_name = 'save_cohort_all_loose'
model = 'LSTM' # 'LR' # 'MLP' #'LIGHTGBM' #'LSTM'
results_model_selection_for_ml(cohort_dir_name=cohort_dir_name, model=model, drug_name=drug_name, niter=50, figdump=False)
results_model_selection_for_ml_step2(cohort_dir_name=cohort_dir_name, model=model, drug_name=drug_name)
model = 'LR' # 'LSTM' # 'LR' # 'MLP' #'LIGHTGBM' #'LSTM'
# results_model_selection_for_ml(cohort_dir_name=cohort_dir_name, model=model, drug_name=drug_name, niter=50, figdump=False)
# results_model_selection_for_ml_step2(cohort_dir_name=cohort_dir_name, model=model, drug_name=drug_name)
# results_model_selection_for_ml_step2More(cohort_dir_name=cohort_dir_name, model=model, drug_name=drug_name)
# zz
# results_ATE_for_ml(cohort_dir_name=cohort_dir_name, model=model, niter=50)
Expand All @@ -2045,8 +2071,8 @@ def significance(val):
# combine_ate_final_LR_with(cohort_dir_name, 'LSTM') # needs to compute lstm case first
# major plots from 3 methods
bar_plot_model_selection(cohort_dir_name=cohort_dir_name, model=model, contrl_type='random')
bar_plot_model_selection(cohort_dir_name=cohort_dir_name, model=model, contrl_type='atc')
# bar_plot_model_selection(cohort_dir_name=cohort_dir_name, model=model, contrl_type='random')
# bar_plot_model_selection(cohort_dir_name=cohort_dir_name, model=model, contrl_type='atc')
bar_plot_model_selection(cohort_dir_name=cohort_dir_name, model=model, contrl_type='all')
# #
# box_plot_model_selection(cohort_dir_name=cohort_dir_name, model=model, contrl_type='random')
Expand Down
213 changes: 199 additions & 14 deletions iptw/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ def bootstrap_mean_pvalue_2samples(x, y, equal_var=False, B=1000):
Bootstrap p values for one-sample t test
Returns boostrap p value, test statistics and parametric p value"""
n = len(x)
orig = stats.ttest_ind(x, y, equal_var=equal_var)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1472,6 +1472,178 @@ def significance(val):

def bar_plot_model_selection_final(cohort_dir_name, model, contrl_type='random', dump=True, colorful=True):
dirname = r'output/revise_testset/{}/{}/'.format(cohort_dir_name, model)
dfall = pd.read_excel(dirname + 'results/summarized_model_selection_{}.xlsx'.format(model), sheet_name=contrl_type)

c1 = 'success_rate-val_auc-i-all_n_unbalanced_feat_iptw'
c2 = 'success_rate-val_loss-i-all_n_unbalanced_feat_iptw' # 'success_rate-train_loss-i-all_n_unbalanced_feat_iptw'
c3 = 'success_rate-trainval_n_unbalanced_feat_iptw-val_auc-all_n_unbalanced_feat_iptw'

idx_auc = dfall[c1] >= 0.1
idx_smd = dfall[c2] >= 0.1
idx = dfall[c3] >= 0.1

print('Total drug trials: ', len(idx))
print(r"#df[{}] > 0: ".format(c1), idx_auc.sum(), '({:.2f}%)'.format(idx_auc.mean() * 100))
print(r"#df[{}] > 0: ".format(c2), idx_smd.sum(), '({:.2f}%)'.format(idx_smd.mean() * 100))
print(r"#df[{}] > 0: ".format(c3), idx.sum(), '({:.2f}%)'.format(idx.mean() * 100))

df = dfall.loc[idx, :].sort_values(by=[c3], ascending=[False])
# df['nsmd_mean_ci-val_auc_nsmd']

N = len(df)
top_1 = df.loc[:, c1] # * 100
top_1_ci = np.array(
df.loc[:, c1.replace('success_rate', 'success_rate_ci')].apply(
lambda x: stringlist_2_list(x)).to_list()) # *100
# top_1_ci = df.loc[:, 'success_rate_std-val_auc_nsmd']

top_2 = df.loc[:, c2] # * 100
top_2_ci = np.array(
df.loc[:, c2.replace('success_rate', 'success_rate_ci')].apply(
lambda x: stringlist_2_list(x)).to_list()) # *100
# top_2_ci = df.loc[:, 'success_rate_std-val_maxsmd_nsmd']

top_3 = df.loc[:, c3] # * 100
top_3_ci = np.array(
df.loc[:, c3.replace('success_rate', 'success_rate_ci')].apply(
lambda x: stringlist_2_list(x)).to_list()) # *100
# top_3_ci = df.loc[:, 'success_rate_std-trainval_final_finalnsmd']

pauc = np.array(df.loc[:, "p-succes-final-vs-1"])
psmd = np.array(df.loc[:, "p-succes-final-vs-2"])
paucsmd = np.array(df.loc[:, "p-succes-1-vs-2"])

xlabels = df.loc[:, 'drug_name']

width = 0.5 # the width of the bars
ind = np.arange(N) * width * 4 # the x locations for the groups

colors = ['#FAC200', '#82A2D3', '#F65453']
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(21, 8))
error_kw = {'capsize': 3, 'capthick': 1, 'ecolor': 'black'}
# plt.ylim([0, 1.05])
rects1 =, top_1, width, yerr=[top_1 - top_1_ci[:, 0], top_1_ci[:, 1] - top_1], error_kw=error_kw,
color=colors[0], edgecolor=None, hatch='') # , edgecolor='b' "black"
rects2 = + width, top_2, width, yerr=[top_2 - top_2_ci[:, 0], top_2_ci[:, 1] - top_2], error_kw=error_kw,
color=colors[1], edgecolor=None, hatch='\\')
rects3 = + 2 * width, top_3, width, yerr=[top_3 - top_3_ci[:, 0], top_3_ci[:, 1] - top_3],
error_kw=error_kw, color=colors[2], edgecolor=None, hatch='.') # , hatch='.')
# rects1 =, top_1, width, yerr=[top_1_ci, top_1_ci], error_kw=error_kw,
# color='#FAC200', edgecolor="black") # , edgecolor='b'
# rects2 = + width, top_2, width, yerr=[top_2_ci, top_2_ci], error_kw=error_kw,
# color='#82A2D3', edgecolor="black")
# rects3 = + 2 * width, top_3, width, yerr=[top_3_ci, top_3_ci],
# error_kw=error_kw, color='#F65453', edgecolor="black") # , hatch='.')

ax.set_xticks(ind + width)
# ax.spines['bottom'].set_color('#DDDDDD')
ax.yaxis.grid(True, color='#EEEEEE', which='both')
ax.set_xticklabels(xlabels, fontsize=20, rotation=45, ha='right')
ax.tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=20)
ax.set_xlabel("Drug Trials", fontsize=25)
# ax.set_ylabel("Prop. of success balancing", fontsize=25) # Success Rate of Balancing
ax.set_ylabel("Ratio of success balancing", fontsize=25) # Success Rate of Balancing

# ax.set_title(model, fontsize=25) #fontweight="bold")
# plt.axhline(y=0.5, color='#888888', linestyle='-')

def significance(val):
if val < 0.001:
return '{:.1e}'.format(val).replace('e-0', 'e-')
elif val < 0.01:
return '{:.3f}'.format(val)
elif val < 0.05:
return '{:.2f}'.format(val)
return '{:.2f}'.format(val)

def significanceSym(val):
if val < 0.001:
return '***'
elif val < 0.01:
return '**'
elif val < 0.05:
return '*'
return '' #'ns'

# if val >= 0.001:
# return '{:.3f}'.format(val)
# else:
# return '{:.1e}'.format(val)

# def labelvalue(rects, val, height=None):
# for i, rect in enumerate(rects):
# if height is None:
# h = rect.get_height() * 1.03
# else:
# h = height[i] * 1.03
# ax.text(rect.get_x() + rect.get_width() / 2., h,
# significance(val[i]),
# ha='center', va='bottom', fontsize=11)
# labelvalue(rects1, pauc, top_1_ci[:,1])
# labelvalue(rects2, psmd, top_2_ci[:,1])

for i, rect in enumerate(rects3):
d = 0.015
y = np.max([top_3_ci[i, 1], top_2_ci[i, 1], top_1_ci[i, 1]]) * 1.03 # rect.get_height()
w = rect.get_width()
x = rect.get_x()
x1 = x - 2 * w
x2 = x - 1 * w

y1 = top_1_ci[i, 1] * 1.03
y2 = top_2_ci[i, 1] * 1.03

# auc v.s. final
l, r = x1, x + w
ax.plot([l, l, (l + r) / 2], [y + 3 * d, y + 4 * d, y + 4 * d], lw=1.2, c=colors[0] if colorful else 'black')
ax.plot([(l + r) / 2, r, r], [y + 4 * d, y + 4 * d, y + 3 * d], lw=1.2, c=colors[2] if colorful else 'black')
# ax.plot([x1, x1, x, x], [y+2*d, y+3*d, y+3*d, y+2*d], c='#FAC200') #c="black")
ax.text((l + r) / 2, y + 3.8 * d, significance(pauc[i]), ha='center', va='bottom', fontsize=7)
ax.text((l + r) / 2, y + 4.2 * d, significanceSym(pauc[i]), ha='center', va='bottom', fontsize=14)

# smd v.s. final
l, r = x2 + 0.6 * w, x + w
ax.plot([l, l, (l + r) / 2], [y, y + d, y + d], lw=1.2, c=colors[1] if colorful else 'black')
ax.plot([(l + r) / 2, r, r], [y + d, y + d, y], lw=1.2, c=colors[2] if colorful else 'black')
# ax.plot([x2, x2, x, x], [y, y + d, y + d, y], c='#82A2D3') #c="black")
ax.text((l + r) / 2, y + 0.8 * d, significance(psmd[i]), ha='center', va='bottom', fontsize=7)
ax.text((l + r) / 2, y + 1.2 * d, significanceSym(psmd[i]), ha='center', va='bottom', fontsize=14)

# auc v.s. smd
l, r = x1, x2 + 0.4 * w
ax.plot([l, l, (l + r) / 2], [y, y + d, y + d], lw=1.2, c=colors[0] if colorful else 'black')
ax.plot([(l + r) / 2, r, r], [y + d, y + d, y], lw=1.2, c=colors[1] if colorful else 'black')
# ax.plot([x1, x1, x, x], [y+2*d, y+3*d, y+3*d, y+2*d], c='#FAC200') #c="black")
ax.text((l + r) / 2, y + .8 * d, significance(paucsmd[i]), ha='center', va='bottom', fontsize=7)
ax.text((l + r) / 2, y + 1.2 * d, significanceSym(paucsmd[i]), ha='center', va='bottom', fontsize=14)

# ax.set_title('Success Rate of Balancing by Different PS Model Selection Methods')
# ax.legend((rects1[0], rects2[0], rects3[0]), ('Val-AUC Select', 'Train-Loss Select', 'Our Strategy'),
# fontsize=25) # , bbox_to_anchor=(1.13, 1.01))
ax.legend((rects1[0], rects2[0], rects3[0]), ('Val-AUC Select', 'Val-Loss Select', 'Our Strategy'),
fontsize=25) # , bbox_to_anchor=(1.13, 1.01))
# ax.autoscale(enable=True, axis='x', tight=True)
if dump:
check_and_mkdir(dirname + 'results/fig/')
fig.savefig(dirname + 'results/fig/balance_rate_barplot-{}-{}-final.png'.format(model, contrl_type))
fig.savefig(dirname + 'results/fig/balance_rate_barplot-{}-{}-final.pdf'.format(model, contrl_type))

def bar_plot_model_selectionV2(cohort_dir_name, model, contrl_type='random', dump=True, colorful=True):
dirname = r'output/{}/{}/'.format(cohort_dir_name, model)
dfall = pd.read_excel(dirname + 'results/summarized_model_selection_{}-More.xlsx'.format(model),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1822,9 +1994,16 @@ def arrow_plot_model_selection_unbalance_reduction(cohort_dir_name, model, contr
data[ith].append([drugname, before_mean, after_mean, change_mean])

data_df = []
for d in data:
appendix = [c1, c2, c3]
# for d in data:
for igroup, d in enumerate(data):
df = pd.DataFrame(d, columns=['subject', 'before', 'after', 'change'], index=range(len(d)))
check_and_mkdir(dirname + 'results/fig/')
df.to_csv(dirname + 'results/fig/arrow_nsmd_reduce-{}-{}-{}{}-{}.csv'.format(model, contrl_type, datapart,
'-log' if log else '',

fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 8))
# add start points
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2651,24 +2830,30 @@ def significance(val):
# sys.exit(0)

print('Part 2 - Model selection')
## Part 2 - Model selection, primary and sensitivity analysis
# print('Part 2 - Model selection')
# ## Part 2 - Model selection, primary and sensitivity analysis
cohort_dir_name = 'save_cohort_all_loose'
model = 'LR' # 'MLP' # 'LR' #'LIGHTGBM' #'LR' #'LSTM'
results_model_selection_for_ml(cohort_dir_name=cohort_dir_name, model=model, drug_name=drug_name, niter=50)
results_model_selection_for_ml_step2(cohort_dir_name=cohort_dir_name, model=model, drug_name=drug_name)
# # results_model_selection_for_ml_step2More(cohort_dir_name=cohort_dir_name, model=model, drug_name=drug_name) # needs update and rerun
# results_model_selection_for_ml(cohort_dir_name=cohort_dir_name, model=model, drug_name=drug_name, niter=50)
# results_model_selection_for_ml_step2(cohort_dir_name=cohort_dir_name, model=model, drug_name=drug_name)
# # # results_model_selection_for_ml_step2More(cohort_dir_name=cohort_dir_name, model=model, drug_name=drug_name) # needs update and rerun

print('Part 3 - Model selection Visualization')
## Part 3 - Model selection Visualization, primary and sensitivity analysis
bar_plot_model_selection(cohort_dir_name=cohort_dir_name, model=model, contrl_type='random')
bar_plot_model_selection(cohort_dir_name=cohort_dir_name, model=model, contrl_type='atc')
bar_plot_model_selection(cohort_dir_name=cohort_dir_name, model=model, contrl_type='all')
# bar_plot_model_selection(cohort_dir_name=cohort_dir_name, model=model, contrl_type='random')
# bar_plot_model_selection(cohort_dir_name=cohort_dir_name, model=model, contrl_type='atc')
# bar_plot_model_selection(cohort_dir_name=cohort_dir_name, model=model, contrl_type='all')

arrow_plot_model_selection_unbalance_reduction(cohort_dir_name=cohort_dir_name, model=model, contrl_type='all',
arrow_plot_model_selection_unbalance_reduction(cohort_dir_name=cohort_dir_name, model=model, contrl_type='all',
# bar_plot_model_selection_final(cohort_dir_name=cohort_dir_name, model=model, contrl_type='all')
# bar_plot_model_selection_final(cohort_dir_name=cohort_dir_name, model=model, contrl_type='random')
bar_plot_model_selection_final(cohort_dir_name=cohort_dir_name, model=model, contrl_type='atc')
# zz
# arrow_plot_model_selection_unbalance_reduction(cohort_dir_name=cohort_dir_name, model=model, contrl_type='all',
# datapart='all')
# arrow_plot_model_selection_unbalance_reduction(cohort_dir_name=cohort_dir_name, model=model, contrl_type='all',
# datapart='train')
arrow_plot_model_selection_unbalance_reduction(cohort_dir_name=cohort_dir_name, model=model, contrl_type='all',

Expand Down

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